Police called to family harm incident in Papamoa

Police cordons on Harding Drive. Photos: Cameron Avery.

UPDATE 9.30am - Police are enroute to an address in Papamoa this morning, where a family harm incident has occurred.

"Emergency services are at the scene and Police are working to establish the nature of the event," says a police media spokesperson.

"More information will be released when appropriate."

A SunLive photographer says police are at a property on Harding Drive.

"The road has been blocked off.

"It looks pretty serious, a rescue helicopter is about to land."


Reports are coming in about an incident near Papamoa.

A caller to the 0800 SUNLIVE news hotline says a number of police cars have been seen in the Papamoa Beach Road area.

"It looks as though they are looking for someone."

SunLive is working on getting more information and will bring an update when more information becomes available.


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