Steamers new coach appointed

Kevin Schuler is the new Bay of Plenty Steamers head coach.

The Bay of Plenty Rugby Union has appointed him for the next three years and he comes to the job from a coaching role with the Chiefs Super Rugby franchise.

In the 2011 season he was the franchise's resource coach and coach of the Chiefs Development team.

Prior to this Kevin was the head coach at Yamaha Motors Rugby Football Club in Japan.

He has previous head coaching experience at the ITM Cup level coaching the Bay of Plenty Steamers in 2007 and 2008.

'I am excited about being back involved with Bay of Plenty rugby,” says Kevin.

'The Steamers are now one of the top provincial teams in the country and the union wants to continue the progress of recent years.

'The performance of the Steamers and the development of our young talent are clear expectations and I am looking forward to the challenge of delivering on these key fronts.

'I am also looking forward to getting out and about and contributing to the wider Bay rugby community again.”

Bay of Plenty Rugby Union Chief Executive Mike Rogers says Kevin is a good choice.

'We are delighted that after a comprehensive recruitment process we have been able to secure Herb to lead our team for the next three years.

'We are confident that he will not only ensure our Steamers team performs to the level our stakeholders and community expect, but will also be a key contributor in our vision of developing our local talent and having a positive involvement in our community.”


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