Wages falling behind cost of living

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A Council of Trade Unions survey shows 71 per cent of nearly 1200 workers say their income has fallen behind their expenses.

However, this follows news of the economy having grown by 2.6 per cent in the past year.

The council's president, Richard Wagstaff, says it was unfair that workers were not feeling the benefit of a booming economy.

"It's one thing for the economy to be doing well but if it's not being shared then everyone's not doing well - only a few people at the top," says Richard.

"We need to learn how to share our productivity growth. We haven't been doing that and if we had been doing that people would be much better off today."

Richard says he would table the survey to the government at the next Future of Work forum meeting.

Responses from surveyed workers included comments on the cost of living compared with overseas.

  • "After living in the UK, Australia and California coming back to NZ it is ridiculous how expensive basic groceries are - not to mention fuel and power," one respondent said.
  • "I have been in my current job 10+ yrs I have had to do 2 merit steps to be paid $22.60 pr hr. This is the same pay I was on when I left Australia 12 yrs ago," another said.
  • "My rate of pay has not changed in years but the cost of living continues to rise- this is the case for many New Zealanders. I am fortunate that my husband has a reasonable income. I would simply not be able to survive on my income alone- and my situation isn't unique."
  • "I was born in NZ and resided and worked here until I was 20; I then travelled and lived in Australia for ten years. Wages and salaries are far better in Australia."

The survey, run by the CTU's Together, was completed by 1195 people between 2-5 January and focused on incomes, cost of living, and conditions of work.



Cost of Living

Posted on 08-01-2019 04:01 | By socantor01

Past governments have put in place business conditions that only a low wage economy can support. Until those conditions change, the income gap will continue to grow. The rural business sector in particular, always a low wage area, complains about labour shortages yet absolutely refuses to share their increased profits with the rest of the country. The French Revolution of 1789 proved the results of such selfishness, and the current riots in Paris show that the elites have not learnt from it. The NZ business and government view that wage increases can only follow increased productivity is extremely selfish, and I fear can only lead to serious unrest.

Wrong socanto01

Posted on 08-01-2019 10:37 | By usandthem

My son in law got into farming 17 years ago and later became a sharemilker.At that time farmers were told that they had to increase wages If they wanted to get good staff.He payed his 2nd in charge over $60,000 plus free house.He got out of farming last year because he had a gutsfull of trying to get staff that were drug free despite paying good wages.That is why many farmers employ overseas workers,mainly from the Phillipines.If you want to look at an industry rife with greed take a look at the construction industry .Building companys are ripping of Kiwis big time.

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