Fin-tastic Little Mermaid

Ursula with Flotsam and Jetsam.

Glorious costuming helped create a magical underwater kingdom in Disney's The Little Mermaid JR. which had a special performance for sponsors and supporters on Thursday night at Tauranga Musical Theatre.

Based on one of Hans Christian Anderson's much loved stories, Disney's The Little Mermaid JR. is this year's youth show, and a ‘fin-tastic' way to start the year.

For the last decade, an annual youth show at Tauranga Musical Theatre – TMT- has been staged, involving actors aged 10 -18 years. This summer the Youth Theatre reaches their ten-year milestone with The Little Mermaid Junior opening on Friday January 18.

'This holds a particularly special place in my heart,” writes theatre president Elise Rohde in the programme notes. 'The 10th production since the youth show concept started in 2009.”

Adapted from Disney's Broadway production and the motion picture, the story takes the audience ‘under the sea' with the young mermaid Ariel to follow her journey and search for something more meaningful than her aquatic existence.

Flounder with the Mersisters.

Played by Parashkevi Spiropoulis, Ariel bursts into song in her magical underwater grotto with ‘I want more', surrounded by her secret stash of collected human items. Parashkevi has a full lyrical voice, with that siren quality perfect for enchanting Prince Eric and drawing him to seek her out. Her long tresses and dazzling cerulean costume completes the quintessential mermaid look.

There are great stand-out performances by Hugo Corin as Flounder, Trinity Thompson as Sebastian and Ashley Hocking as Scuttle the seagull as they agonise, harmonise and dance their way through trying to find Ariel, keep her safe and save her from the clutches of the evil sea-witch Ursula.

Played by Shyanne Erueti, Ursula with her shiny tentacles is a powerful villain, nearly eclipsing Triton. With the evil minions Flotsam (Ella Paterson) and Jetsam (Elodie Corin) slithering around her, Ursula's scenes as the sorcerer of the sea are dramatic, with excellent makeup, and the backdrop of her lair is complete with red and green mist drifting like a poisonous vapour.

Prince Eric, played by Rueben Stephens, opens the show, sailing across the sea on a ship. There is wonderful attention to detail with set design for this with items like an on-board cannon, draped fishing net, and mast, topped off with the detail of the officers' neck ruffles and sailors wearing blue-striped tops and red neck-kerchiefs.

'When I meet the girl of my dreams, it will hit me like lightning,” proclaims Eric. A moment later, the sound and lighting team deliver with a stunning storm at sea. Eric is thrown overboard, washing up on the steps to the stage, rendered as rocks with the stage front painted with blue waves and bubbles. Purple lights swirl as Ariel finds him. Nearby large boulders provide hiding places for some of the other characters who bob out and seem to each have a variety of entertaining roles from sailors to sea creatures to kitchen staff.

Triton asking where Ariel is.

The sea chorus made up of Zak Weatherley, Alex Wright, Jacob West, Audrey McKeown Gorringe, Finn Elliott-Lowe, Stevie Rae Newton, Indiana Wright, Shinate Annice Haynes, Austin Taylor and Amelia Tapsell are clearly multi-talented as dancers, actors and singers. Amongst them, NZ and Australia's top dancing champion Austin Taylor is doing high mid-air splits one minute, then becoming a singing ship's captain the next. And the dancer in the green dress certainly has the moves.

Ariel learns Prince Eric's name, completing her song of yearning ending on a top note and applause. She makes a huge mistake after being lured into Ursula's evil plan by her desire to be with the prince. The sinister scene where Ursula takes Ariel's voice is one of the climaxes of the show.

Countering this diabolical malevolence, the seagulls are a delight, tap dancing across the stage with their loud shrieks drawing laughter and loud applause from the audience as they scuttle after Scuttle.

Ariel's sisters, played by Rosie Pua, Daisy Vahey Bourne, Carla Roberts, Bianca Pearce, Odette Roberson and Bella Hibbitt-Hunia, all individually excellent singers, also blend well together singing ‘She's in love'. The six actors, later in human princess roles, compete for Eric's hand in marriage.

There is also nice harmony work from Scuttle and Flounder accompanied by a trio of what seem to be Spanish or Flamenco musicians that appear in the balcony above the audience and make their way on stage. Their song with the ‘shalalala's' is a light-hearted whimsical moment adding to the fun.

French Chef Louie played by a cleaver-wielding Rachael Brebner, with her superbly dressed black-and-white-costumed staff provide a visually pleasing backdrop to the bright red Sebastian. Breanna West as Carlotta adds even more humour to the fish-chopping scene. Likewise Dylan Mortimore's performance as Grimsby, Prince Eric's valet, was polished and played with ease.

Michael Graham as Triton begins to command the stage more strongly during the second half, furious that his youngest daughter is yearning for human contact. At this point, the three lead characters are all wanting something. Prince Eric has to choose a bride, Ariel wants Prince Eric, Triton is looking for Ariel, and Ursula wants Triton's trident.

A favourite number was ‘Under the Sea', and a great song to end the show on.

Scuttle the seagull with his tap dancing seagull friends.

You can clearly see how much work and energy went into make this production a success. The confidence and vision of director Natalie Wright is plain to see, with Bailey Hocking as assistant director, Georgia Wilson as choreographer and Tayla Skudder as musical director all creating an impressive polished show that's stunning and delightful.

Much kudos to the hard-working wardrobe team and the set design and construction crew. The costumes and scenery are also stars of the show.

It's a magical production, and if you love the fun of live performance, then go see this high quality produced treat. Take your gull-friends to The Little Mermaid JR. and get a good dose of Vitamin Sea.

The Little Mermaid JR. runs from January 18 – 26 at Tauranga Musical Theatre in 17th Ave, Tauranga.


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