9:09:45 Sunday 9 March 2025

Major work planned for State Highway 2

Major works are planned for a section of State Highway 2 this weekend.

Major work to rebuild and strengthen a section of State Highway 2 approaching Bethlehem, between Waihi Road and Moffat Road, starts this weekend.

Bay of Plenty System Manager Rob Campbell says most of this section of road is around 30 years old and is coming to the end of its life.

'We have just over 28,000 vehicles passing through this section of SH2 per day it is important that the road is reconstructed and strengthened so it is up to the appropriate standard for motorists to use."

From Sunday March 10 contractors will be working day and night, six days a week, to rebuild this stretch of SH2. The works are weather dependant.

'We are working on about 800m of road, and we will be reducing the northbound highway to one lane for the duration of the works, which we expect to take around six weeks”

'As the road will be reduced to one lane people should expect significant delays, particularly in the afternoons and on Friday evenings for those motorists travelling from Tauranga toward the Bethlehem roundabout. We ask those travelling to be patient and expect delays on their journey."

The NZ Transport Agency would like to thank motorists for their cooperation during this time.


Who carries more passengers?

Posted on 07-03-2019 22:59 | By stokey

Who carries more passengers? NZ Rail or NZTA. Go figure. All this outfit is good for is a bit of resealing. When are we going to see some action on 'death road'. Oh but I forgot - thats in the too hard basket!!

Good, we need more roadworks in Tauranga

Posted on 08-03-2019 06:30 | By PretendsToBeWorking

800m so say? I look forward to the road being finished in 2025


Posted on 08-03-2019 21:37 | By The Caveman

Note the start date !! 800 meters = six weeks. GET REAL, it will be SIX MONTHS - watch the work (not) happen. Like most other NZTA roading projects in NZ.

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