Steamers resign key player

Openside flanker Sam Cane will remain a regular face in Bay of Plenty rugby after resigning with the Steamers for the next three seasons.

Sam, an IRB junior player of the year finalist in 2011, originally signed with the BOP Rugby Union in 2009 while still at Reporoa College.

Steamers player Sam Cane has resigned with BOP Rugby Union for another three seasons.

Now the loose forward has re-inked his contract to play in the blue and gold jersey with the Steamers until the end of 2014.

'I am pretty excited about re-signing with the Bay, and am happy to recommit to the Steamers for another three years,” says Sam.
'I am a Bay man through and through and have never played for any other union than the Bay of Plenty.”

The 20-year-old says he can't see himself playing for anyone other than Bay of Plenty in the foreseeable future.

'I'm excited with the coaching staff in place for the coming season. While we had a good season last year, finishing just one win off a finals berth, we have unfinished ITM Cup business this season.”

BOP Rugby Union CEO Mike Rogers says signing Sam was a key objective for the union.

'Any provincial union in the country would love to have Sam representing them. Sam epitomises everything that we want in a player.

'Not only is he an outstanding rugby talent he is also a quality individual with excellent values.”

Mike says signing Sam to a long term deal is important to the union to show the community the importance they place on their young players and the commitment they're prepared to make in their local talent.

'We're looking forward to working with Sam to achieve his goals.”


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