Activities for preschoolers amid lockdown

Stuck for ideas on what to do with the kids, see some ideas below. File photo.

Yes, we still have nearly four weeks to go – until we can take our youngsters back to playgrounds, pools, toy libraries, and all their usual weekly activities.

So how do we keep them entertained during the COVID-19 lockdown? Well, SunLive has started a Kids Corner to offer parents of kids of all ages some ideas on how to keep your days filled and little minds and hands occupied.

First, we'd thought we'd start with a list of some things you can do with you preschoolers over coming days and weeks.

If you have ideas of your own you want to share with our readers, please send them in – with photos if you'd like – to: and we will post them in our next segment.

For now here's a few simple, no-fuss activities that could preschoolers entertained.

  • Recycled robots? Can't get the recycling done because the recycling centre is closed? How about using it to create robots or animals with your youngsters. Egg cartons make a good body for a crocodile, and robots can be crafted with boxes and containers of all shapes and sizes, plus you can use bottle tops and lids for eyes and hats. Coupled with a bit of sticky tape, glue or a stapler, let their imagination run wild.
  • Baking – yes this can be a messy but very fun activity for youngsters. Go for a recipe that gives kids opportunity to try stirring, grating, crushing things in their fingers, kneading, mashing etc. A Weetbix slice recipe is ideal. And they will have sorted morning tea in the process!
  • Playdough – yes it's an oldie but a goody! What you can make with playdough is endless! Think snowmans, caterpillars, sailing boats and much much more! Also throw in some interesting utensils for children to use in their crafting of the dough. From forks to bottle tops, nearly anything can make an interesting pattern or shape. You can find heaps of easy playdough recipes on Google and most will last for up to three months if stored in an airtight container.
  • Take a bath! Most kids love the bath so why not try a lunchtime soak? Put some bubble mix in and some toys and let them enjoy. Try throwing in toys such as the Lego – they can play with it while it is getting a good clean!
  • Make huts – either outside or inside. Inside pull the couches together and get the blankets out and give them a torch. Outside get tarpaulin and tie it to the house or deck so they can get underneath.
  • Fill the kitchen sink with suds. Put in a few cups, dishes, knives and forks and pull up a chair and the kids can play clean-up. Let them go wild.
  • Get out those big cardboard boxes. If you have any lying around put them outside and cut some windows and doors in them for a house – or make a steering wheel and windows for a car. Offer some colouring pens, and let them go!
  • Set up a scavenger hunt. It doesn't need to contain lollies. Get some sea shells/pegs etc and plant them around the place and send the kids on a hunt to find them. A prize at the end could include saying the winner gets to choose to watch their favourite movie tonight – or something else they may be able to pick to do at home.
  • Have a dance party. Play dress-ups and encourage the kids to dress up for a party – they could even dress their toys ups and then put on some music and have a good boogie! You could include a mini party feast at the end.
  • Balloons and bubbles – these two items provide endless fun for preschoolers. Get some next time you're at the supermarket for those times when things go pear-shaped and a quick, easy distraction is needed.

If you have any outside activity ideas you'd like to share, please email them to: And please include photos if you have them.


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