Thirteen active cases of COVID-19 in BOP

COVID-19 testing is being carried out daily across the BOP. Image: Daniel Hines/SunLive.

There are 13 active cases of COVID-19 in the Bay of Plenty today, according to information released by the Ministry of Health.

The 13 active cases are part of the 45 cases reported in the Bay Of Plenty District Health Board to date.

As of 9am the latest data shows there is one new case of COVID- 19 in the BOPDHB area and two people have recovered.

This brings the total number of people to recover from the virus to 32 people in the Bay of Plenty.

The number of cases, including recovered cases, is 44 in the Western Bay of Plenty and one in the Eastern BOP.

The Bay of Plenty District Health Board covers the Eastern and Western Bay of Plenty.

The Lakes DHB which covers Rotorua and Taupo has five active cases and 11 people have recovered.

Rotorua has 10 cases and Taupo has 6 this includes the 11 people that have recovered.

This is one more case in Taupo than yesterday.

There are currently no BOPDHB or Lakes DHB patients with COVID-19 in hospital

Today there were 13 new cases of COVID-19 nationally made up of eight confirmed cases and five new probable cases.

No further deaths have been recorded so the COVID-19 related death toll remains at 11.

The new combined total of confirmed and probable cases in New Zealand is 1422.

There are now 867 reported cases of COVID-19 who have recovered, this is an increase of 51 from yesterday.

Today there are 20 people in hospital with COVID-19. The total includes three people in intensive care - one each in Middlemore, Dunedin and North Shore hospitals.

The Ministry of Health and Toi Te Ora Public Health only provide information on the DHB the cases are reported in for privacy reasons. No further break down of where the cases are is available.


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