Police Commissioner provides COVID-19 update

Police Commissioner Andrew Coster says police have dealt with 4452 breaches since the lockdown began, including 423 in the past 24 hours.

There have been 477 prosecutions, 3844 warning, 131 youth referrals during the alert-level four lockdown.

"It's fair to say there has been more activity (by police) in recent days," Andrew.

Andrew says the vast majority of New Zealanders have been law-abiding and have played their part during the lockdown.

But he says the public must not get complacent as the shift to alert level three approached.

"For the next five days we need to continue to stick to the rules."

"Over the long weekend you need to remain in your bubble, don't go to your baches."

He says police will be visible around popular beaches this weekend and will remain visible under alert level three.

He says police recognised there needed to be a period of adjustment, but will take action against those who repeatedly breach rules

"We understand some small and isolated communities feel more vulnerable, but we don't encourage local checkpoints."

Andrew says over the course of level 4 there had been a decrease in crime in the area of assaults, road policing and theft.

Family harm incidents saw a rise in the first few days but this has dropped back to usual levels. Police have been focusing on this area, he says.

Civil Defence director Sarah Stuart-Black said the $30 million dollar announcment yesterday will provide authorities with more flexiblity to help, and increase the number of food parcels handed

She says 40,000 Kiwis aged over 70 have been contacted to see how they were doing and about 1000 rough sleepers have been given accommodation.

She says migrant workers were also being looked at to see what help could be given, and about 42,000 migrants have departed New Zealand recently.

Sarah says there will continue to be significant restrictions in place under level 3, "for good reasons".

"The restrictions are still strigent. We are not out of the woods yet."


Earlier: The All of Government COVID-19 National Response will provide a second update this afternoon.

Director of Civil Defence Emergency Management Sarah Stuart-Black and Police Commissioner Andrew Coster will address the public live from Wellington at 3pm.

The death toll for COVID-19 in New Zealand has increased by two.

A woman in her 60s, who had been in a critical condition on Dunedin Hospital, has died.

Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield says while her family had not been able to visit her in hospital, arrangements were made for them to be with her last night.

He says the woman had an underlying medical condition.

The second reported death today is that of a man in his 70s.

"He was from Rosewood Rest Home but was not part of the group that had been transferred to Burwood Hospital.

"While he had initially tested negative, the man was treated as a probable case and was being treated as if he had COVID-19. He had an underlying medical condition."

Ashley says this is a reminder of how serious this illness is.

Today, there are only three cases of the virus reported in the past 24 hours. This is made up of two confirmed cases and one probable case.

Ashley says laboratories around New Zealand tested a record of 6480 test in the past 24 hours.

He says of those tested, 0.05 per cent have returned a positive result.

A total of 11277 COVID-19 tests have been conducted in New Zealand to date.

A total of eight people remain in hospital, with one person in a critical condition in Middlemore Hopistal.


1 in 2000 !!

Posted on 23-04-2020 23:23 | By Walbuck

Only 1 in 2000 test cases has tested positive for this SARS flu - Talk about Hyperchondria And ALL deaths had underlying health issues. Hardly a pandemic The media needs to compare this to the amount of actual deaths during the last month from Influenza B That will show the real story - but guess doesn't fit the Governments AGenda

1 in 2000

Posted on 24-04-2020 09:34 | By dumbkof2

totally agree with all you say. same as possitive and probable. would be interesting to know how many of the probable actually tested positive. this whole thing has been made out to be worse than it is

because we went into lockdown...

Posted on 24-04-2020 13:52 | By This Guy

We have so few cases because the government acted swiftly and put the county in lockdown... I'm sick of hearing from "armchair specialists" with no medical training blather on about things they know nothing about "I've read some statistics on facebook so clearly I now know more then the people who've studied medicine for years"

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