Explore Western Bay Libraries‘s website and win

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Two tablet computers are up for grabs for the lucky entrants to Western Bay of Plenty District Libraries' new website competition.

The competition is open now and is part of the libraries' launch of a new website that is more fun, more interactive and easy to navigate for existing and new users.

Head to the website – libraries.westernbay.govt.nz - and answer a few simple questions to go in to the draw to win one of two Samsung Galaxy tablets valued at over $500 each.

Western Bay District Councils' Customer and Governance manager, Barbara Whitton, says the modern website provides the perfect portal for library users to access and use information with greater ease than ever before.

The new website has a fresh, slick look and an address that's easy to remember – libraries.westernbay.govt.nz.

Visitors can search for books and other items at the libraries' four locations. They can find events, programmes and activities offered by the libraries' for children and adults.

Users can easily log into their library account – as well as access all online resources and searchable databases. All this is available free to library patrons.

Barbara says the importance of such a user-friendly website also came to the fore during the COVID-19 lockdown.

'Libraries across New Zealand really came into their own during the lockdown and it highlighted how invaluable access to library resources was for people stuck at home, who wanted to access information from anywhere, at any time.

'During lockdown our library Facebook page saw a 200 percent increase in traffic as people began using more and more online services. This was a fantastic response and resulted in an overall 61 percent increase in our website traffic.”

Barbara hopes the website will grow and evolve as the needs of customers expand.

To explore the website and enter the competition, visit https://libraries.westernbay.govt.nz/

The competition will close at midnight Monday, August 31 and the winners will be notified.


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