The Human Rights Commission is urging people in Aotearoa to ‘give no voice to racism' as it launches a new campaign featuring celebrated film maker Taika Waititi.
Based on real-life experiences of racism in this country, the campaign aims to raise awareness of racist behaviour and the harm caused to those on the receiving end of it.
'Every day in Aotearoa, people experience racism which hurts them, prevents them from reaching their potential, or from living their lives feeling welcome and secure,” says Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon.
"People may think one joke, one comment, one assumption, one stereotype doesn't matter, that they are trivial, but they do matter – and the cumulative effect on people experiencing these is huge.
'It's time we all asked ourselves; Am I contributing to racism in this country? What can I do to stop racism in Aotearoa New Zealand?”
To become a diverse, inclusive, and harmonious community, we must all acknowledge racism affects many, says Meng.
'It's sad that many people who experience racism simply learn to put on a brave face and carry on when that shouldn't need to be the case.”
Phase two of the Give Nothing to Racism campaign is only part of a range of work being undertaken by community and civil society groups to address racism in New Zealand.
In raising awareness of the harm caused by racism the campaign is also intended to spark discussion about how racism is affecting people's fair and equal access to health, employment, justice, housing and education.
The campaign will cost $1.3 million and was allocated by the Government in response to various and ongoing concerns in society about racism, including the Christchurch mosque attacks on 15 March last year.
'The cost and harm of racism to New Zealand society, families and groups over decades and even centuries is inestimable. This campaign is a modest contribution towards addressing that balance.”
Alongside the interactive Voice of Racism there are also Help and Tools sections to support people who have experienced racism and to help explain the impact of the remarks and actions and the harm caused.
The campaign can be found here.
Oh the hypocrisy Taika!
Posted on 21-07-2020 07:10 | By Mein Fuhrer
are you going to point out the separatist "racist" entity that is the Maori Rugby team, Maori affairs, Maori Party, Waitangi Tribunal and so on and so on, I could just imagine the outcry if we had a White/European Rugby team, political party etc, The racism and oppression in this country has obviously stopped you Taika, from getting out in the world and being successful. The only racism I see are the ones screaming it. There's no racism, only winners and losers, I know of Maori winners and Maori losers, I know non Maori winners and non Maori losers, nothing to do with race, its whether you choose to be a winner or a loser.
@Mein Fuhrer........
Posted on 21-07-2020 19:26 | By groutby
.....that sounds fair...and reasonable...and all said without being irrational and indeed 'racist' as some would (whatever that means now). Mr Foon, please, stop promoting this situation into becoming something that it simply isn't....driving a wedge between races may well be promoting your job, but I am damn' sure it does nothing whatsoever for progress and harmony in New Zealand....
@ Mein Fuhrer
Posted on 21-07-2020 22:27 | By Yadick
You are SO right however there is definitely a vein of racism in NZ just like any other Country.
The very best...
Posted on 23-07-2020 18:45 | By morepork
...way to remove Racism is to ensure that there is a level playing field for all, no backroom deals, no special groups promoting selfish agendas, no privilege based on Ethnicity, no prejudice based on Ethnicity, no sign of "separate development" (Apartheid), positive or any other kind of discrimination, just the same laws , opportunities, and equality for ALL new Zealanders. There's nothing wrong with Maori or anyone else having their own Rugby teams, clubs, social groups etc. but none of it should be paid for by taxpayers. ALL ethnicities matter, should be respected, and we should be moving forward together. It is better than it was 50 yeas ago and it is progressing, but we still have a way to go. Social justice for ALL and the level playing field would help immensely.
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