Strong cricket links forged

While Indoor Cricket in New Zealand dates back over three decades, new links established between Bay of Plenty Cricket and the indoor game, look set to benefit players in both codes.

Bay of Plenty Cricket Manager Mark Webb Cricket says Northern Districts are pushing for stronger links between the outdoor and indoor game, which Bay Cricket are happy to embrace”.

'We believe the more time that players can have time with bat and ball in the indoor environment, will build more confidence because of the quick fire decisions required in a smaller area”.

The recent move of Action Indoor Sports to the Mount Action Centre at Mount Maunganui has provided a real step up in the indoor cricket facilities, which are available to the more than 400 indoor players that play at the Mount each week.

Action Indoor Sports Principal Andrew Templer says the move to the MAC arena has provided indoor cricket courts.

'We have laid deluxe Tiger Turf on the courts, being astro turf laid on a thick rubber base, which is considers the best indoor surface in the world”.

The vastly increased space at the MAC has seen two full-length practise lanes put in place.

A new bowling machine will also enhance the opportunities for indoor training. The benefits of the practise lanes and bowling machine at the MAC, is that many youngsters and senior players that play in the centre indoor cricket leagues, will now have a one stop shop for both practise and competition.

'With our new training facilities I am keen to resume cricket coaching, and build the indoor pathway in the Bay, to where we have players regularly making both ND and New Zealand indoor teams”.

Andrew's cricket credentials include a stint coaching in England and membership of the New Zealand Indoor team.

The new relationship between Bay Cricket and Action Indoor Sports, gives another component in the Bay of Plenty Cricket pathway, which has produced a number of very successful professional players in the last decade.


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