Multi-million dollar Papamoa Hills design approved

Papamoa Hills upgrade - design concept for entrance. Images: BOPRC.

Bay of Plenty Regional Council has approved the concept design stage of a major upgrade for Te Rae o Pāpāmoa / Pāpāmoa Hills Cultural Heritage Regional Park.

The improvements will create a richer experience for visitors through construction of a new 86 space carpark, upgraded amenities and new provision for the sharing of cultural stories.

Chris Ingle, integrated catchments general manager commented that the Regional Park, has become increasingly popular with both locals and visitors.

'More than 106,000 people visited the park last year, representing a steady 10 per cent per annum increase in numbers over the last several years.

'We have reached the point where the current carpark is now frequently reaching capacity. Council recognised that in order to ensure that the park remains a top recreational and visitor destination, there is need to invest in both the infrastructure and delivery of a more interactive experience.

'Te Rae o Pāpāmoa / Pāpāmoa Hills Cultural Heritage Regional Park is not only a popular regional recreational spot but also a place of deep cultural significance. We appreciate the opportunity to work in partnership with tangata whenua to be able to share those cultural stories,” he says.

The concept plan approved was co-designed in partnership with representatives from Waitaha, Ngā Potiki, Ngāti Pūkenga and Ngāti He, following the acquisition of an additional 25 hectares of land alongside Poplar Lane in 2017.

Papamoa Hills upgrade - new car park design concept.

The upgrade includes a proposal to create an improved entry location and signage and the provision of interpretation to help park users understand some of the cultural and historic context of the land they are visiting.

Construction is intended to start in late 2021 following the completion of a detailed design process which involves a working party of councillors and tangata whenua.


Ok so who is paying?

Posted on 16-12-2020 07:13 | By Cynical Me

We have TCC and Western Bay councils who simply can't provide the roading, water and sewerage infrastructure because they don't have the money and yet EBOP, who are funded by the same ratepayers + the shares in the POT have this money to waste. Perhaps EBOP could stop ripping off the ratepayers first and give that money for water infrastructure to the councils. It's not so many years ago there was no such thing as EBOP collecting rates from ratepayers. time all three councils were amalgamated and stop this constant yours is mine but mine is yours behaviour from them.

Rates Waste!

Posted on 16-12-2020 07:54 | By Equality

Western BOP DC has one of the highest rates charges in NZ. Surely there are more pressing and urgent things to spend rates money on than this "nice to have' !!

So a

Posted on 16-12-2020 09:07 | By The Caveman

Is of more benefit to BOP residents than residential water, sewerage and roading? Oh the next thing will be "the road to the "park" is not up to standard - we need to upgrade it!!

Tom Ranger

Posted on 16-12-2020 10:56 | By Tom Ranger

Using the same logic as auckland congestion charges perhaps it should be user pays? With 106,000 annual visitors and increasing...would only take several years @ $1 per visitor. Rate-payers are sick of seeing council doing these "Nice to have projects" when they can't even place a pedestrian crossing in the right place.

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