Ex-mayor, acting mayor and ex-deputy mayor respond

Former mayor Greg Brownless, acting mayor and deputy mayor Tina Salisbury, and former deputy mayor Kelvin Clout respond to the appointment of commissioners.

Greg Brownless who was Tauranga Mayor from 2016 – 2019 has highlighted traffic congestion, housing, rates and democracy as key issues facing the newly appointed commissioners.

'They have a number of skills which will be useful,” says Brownless.

'Let's hope they are able to find solutions to traffic congestion and the housing shortage which many are concerned about.”

Brownless doesn't think the commissioners should raise rates to fund development infrastructure.

'That should be funded by the new development, not existing ratepayers,” says Brownless. 'I also trust they have clearly in their minds the difference between the responsibilities of central and local government when it comes to funding.”

He believes efficiency needs to come before rates hikes.

'Finally I'm saddened that it has come to this, largely through the mayor and councillors being unable to work together. That has cost Tauranga its democracy. The democratic right to elect local and central government has been hard fought for by many over the years. It should not be given up lightly,” says Brownless.

Kelvin Clout, who is a third-time councillor and former Deputy Mayor, is saddened and frustrated by the events of 2020 which led to Minister Mahuta appointing a commission.

'I believe the Minister conflated the well-publicised unwillingness of the Mayor [Tenby Powell] to lead and build a constructive working relationship with his councillors,” says Clout.

'Even the independent Review and Observer Team report stated that the council had not failed to meet a single statutory obligation and that there was no obvious manifestation of an actual governance problem.”

Clout believes the appropriate level of ministerial intervention would have been the appointment of a Crown Manager, which is what Council asked for, twice.

'This would have retained local democracy and decision-making, whilst providing the Minister comfort that the Crown Manager could overturn any intolerable resolutions made by Council.”

Whilst having the experience and skills required, Clout feels the four commissioners won't be able to address the workload required by working part-time, as much of elected members' responsibilities and time can be spent centred around engaging with the community and addressing individual constituent and neighbourhood issues. He also hopes the commissioners are bringing a large pot of money from Central Government.

'It is untenable that Tauranga's ratepayers fully fund the extensive infrastructure investment required to fulfil Central Government's urban growth agenda,” says Clout.

Acting Mayor and Deputy Mayor Tina Salisbury believes the city will be in capable hands.

'These are highly skilled people who bring a diverse experience,” says Salisbury.

'It is encouraging that the Minister intends this to be a short-term appointment, to deliver this 2021-2031 Long Term Plan and bring us back to functional democracy in 2022.

'The current funding model doesn't work well for high growth councils with little room on their balance sheet to finance the work that is desperately needed, while also addressing maintenance, renewals, planning, and the ongoing work within the four well-beings - economic, environmental, social, and cultural.”

She says the commissioners need to abide by the same Local Government Act that Elected Members do, particularly when it comes to setting rates.

'They are going to consult and engage with the community to find a rate that is both reasonable and robust, while also endeavouring to find alternative funding and financing options,” says Salisbury.

'I have personally noticed, as a newly elected councillor, that we need to communicate and engage with our communities more effectively, so the community understands Tauranga City Council's role and how they can participate in decision making effectively, the role of an Elected Member and the skills and governance experience required to do the job well.”



Posted on 07-02-2021 12:51 | By surfsup

If the recently published salaries for Anne Tolley and the other 3 are correct it is ribbing salt into the wounds of the tauranga ratepayer. $1800 per day for a career politician who was ineffective as both education and police minister does not bold well for the issues at stake. The continuous bleating from those replaced is also tiring as they are to blame for the mess we are in.

Guarded statements...

Posted on 07-02-2021 13:09 | By morepork

...from all three. Not that I disagree with them. At this point the only thing most of us can do is "wait and see"...

Shame on them!

Posted on 07-02-2021 14:48 | By Equality

If $1800 per day is indeed the salary being paid to these commissioners then they are just another bunch of trough feeders! They will 'up' our rates to pay themselves. No one with any integrity would accept such an enormous amount of money from an electorate struggling to keep from drowning in a sea of red! They are there to fix things - not add to the ratepayers burden!

Traffic management

Posted on 07-02-2021 16:04 | By Let's get real

I have personally heard a council seat-warmer explaining that council are totally focused on accident numbers and in particular fatal accidents. The reason for inactivity on maintaining traffic flow being, if the traffic isn't moving there aren't fatal accidents. It also encourages the use of bicycles on heavily used roading networks.... Which to my mind increases the risk of fatal accidents. I have some very strongly held beliefs around where, when and why cyclist activities should be allowed by the government sponsored health and safety industry, but they would be shouted down by the multi million dollar cycle lobby groups. Monetary interests over public safety interests.

Quoted salary

Posted on 07-02-2021 19:45 | By Kancho

A Cabinet paper shows Tolley to be paid up to $1,800 a day for her work, and for the commissioners to be paid up to $1,500 a day. NZ Herald

Pay scale

Posted on 08-02-2021 17:35 | By CliftonGuy

It seems to me that the commissioners should be paid by the hour!

Tom Ranger

Posted on 09-02-2021 09:31 | By Tom Ranger

$1500...$1800 per day. Well...who would have seen that coming?....smh. Everyone. That's who. Money for the mates right hur! Rate payers will pay. We got lots of cash apparently.

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