Pedestrian bridge work to start in Omokoroa

The works are part of an upgrade being done between Western Avenue and Tralee Street. Image: Google Maps.

Construction will start on Monday in Omokoroa on installing two pedestrian/cycle path bridges on either side of the railway bridge on Omokoroa Road.

Western Bay of Plenty District Council has awarded the contract to HEB Construction which will start work on site on Monday, February 15, and continue until June 2021.

Council's Project Manager Raj Sumeran says the eastern side pedestrian bridge will be a three-metre wide shared pedestrian/cycle path, wide enough for emergency vehicle access.

The western side will be a 1.8-metre wide pedestrian/cycle path only and will link the path in Kayelene Place and the new path being built as part of the Omokoroa Road urbanisation project that is currently underway.

Traffic management will be in place throughout the project timeframe, the majority of which will be stop/go.

Raj says the work means some disruption over the coming months but every effort will be made to keep this to a minimum. Letters have been sent to all affected property owners.

'The best thing about this work is that pedestrians and cyclists will have safe access across this railway bridge – something that has been lacking. It will also provide safe links with the cycleway/footpath in Kayelene Place and Omokoroa Road – as part of the upgrade being done between Western Avenue and Tralee Street.”

The HEB team is working closely with service providers close to the work site to make sure disruption to neighbouring properties is kept to a minimum.

As the work involves multiple aspects, traffic management may change daily as is required – depending on the task.

The community will be notified in advance of expected disruptions to traffic flow. Work will be carried out weekdays from 7am until 5.30pm and on some Saturdays from 7am until 1pm.


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