Lovey dovey night of song with Jackie, Tim & Simon

Opera tenor Simon O’Neill, pop diva Jackie Clarke and musical theatre baritone Tim Beveridge will be taking to the stage tonight at Baycourt. Photo: Supplied

There's surely no better way to end a sweet Valentine's Day than with romantic love songs, sung by no less than some of NZ's top singing talent.

The global pandemic has an ‘up' side it seems, on chatting with pop diva Jackie Clarke, who along with internationally renowned opera tenor Simon O'Neill and musical theatre baritone Tim Beveridge, is taking to the Addison Theatre stage at Baycourt on Sunday night to bring fun, music and plenty of love.

How did this unlikely trio of singers come to be performing on stage together?

'This is a direct result of COVID,” says Jackie. 'We're mutual friends and one day decided to go out for yum cha. Simon's glittering calendar of international events had come to a halt, and he's not usually around, so we said shall we do a show together? Just for a laugh really. We're quite an unlikely trio but that's how it works.”

It seems the steamed deep-fried dim sum dishes, a celebratory meal designed to be eaten communally, has had a wonderful flow on effect. This will be the group's second outing. Their first show was in Christchurch in October, and the three received standing ovations.

'We had far too much fun. We come from three different parts of music but we cross over and it works.”

Jackie, who has a knack of making an audience feel like she's doing music amongst friends does actually have a passionate posse of fab friends in Tauranga after forming connections here, especially through the Tarnished Frocks and Divas shows.

'It's a network of women who are running the country secretly,” she jokes.

She says it's relatively unusual for her to work with blokes.

'I tend to gravitate to working with other women. The boy-girl duet is something I've grown into and it's so much fun to sing. When we are together we are quite playful.”

Her free spirit and willingness to try anything that takes her fancy knows no boundaries as far as music goes. There is no barrier with Jackie, people feel connected and it's like watching your friend on stage when she's up there singing her heart out. Mention her name and people smile.

'I just love music so much and my voice is versatile so I let it go where it takes me.”

Tim, Simon and Jackie will be bringing this love of music on Sunday night with what is going to be, in my opinion, an unforgettable Valentine Day's performance. Nessun Dorma, The Prayer, The Music of the Night, Be My Love, I Dreamed a Dream, You Are So Beautiful, Danny Boy, Night and Day are just some of the songs we can look forward to.

'There's a lot of great love songs, and I want to keep some surprises for the audience. I'm going to get a bit lovey dovey on it. There a real bromance going on with Simon and Tim so maybe they'll propose?”


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