Mauao track closure to remove rock climbing bolts

The Oruahine track will be closed from Monday to Friday this week. All other tracks will remain open. Image: Tauranga City Council.

A track on Mauao will be closed this coming week while work is being undertaken.

The Oruahine track on the northern and western side of Mauao will be closed from Monday 22 March to Friday 26 March for the removal of the rock climbing bolts.

Signage will be in place about the track closure.

All other tracks will remain open.

People planning to climb Mauao are requested to take an alternative track, either the Waikorire Track, which is the steepest path, with well-formed staircases winding up the eastern side of this extinct volcano; or up the 4WD track which has a steep shingle road. Both of these tracks will be open.

In July 2020, Mauao's Joint Administration Board, Nga Poutiriao o Mauao, decided not to approve the use of sport rock climbing routes on Mauao.

The Board's decision was made in line with the Mauao Historic Resource Management Plan, which outlines that the Board include consideration of the effects on a rare fern, wahi tapu sites and public safety.

In 2017, rock climbing was allowed to continue on Mauao, but with conditions around safety.

Rock climbing on Mauao. Photo: Shellie Evans.

In addition to the July 2020 decision, the Board decided it did not support the drilling of new holes. New holes are periodically required by climbers to allow the replacement of climbing bolts or anchors to ensure sport climbing can continue to be undertaken safely. The Board found this practice to be unacceptable due to its invasive nature, which went against the Board's responsibility to protect the cultural and spiritual values of the maunga.

It's been estimated that there are 19,000 people a month walking the Oruahine track which passes round the rocks that have been used for climbing and under the climbing routes - and only a handful of people are rock climbing.

Mauao is the historic reserve that represents the physical remains of about 800 years of human occupation. It is home to many pa sites, natural springs, nesting birds, native coastal forest, and a flock of sheep that graze on the cleared pasture areas, and contains many walking tracks to and around the summit.


Oh Dear !!

Posted on 20-03-2021 22:16 | By The Caveman

Been climbing there for 35 years - suddenly it's not SAFE !!!! Has ANYBODY EVER BEEN hit by a falling climber or a rock dislodged by a climber ???? NEXT it will be a $$$$$$$ fee to wander around or up to the top of the Mount !!! WATCH this space on Sunlive !!!

Hey Caveman

Posted on 21-03-2021 13:23 | By Johnney

You are right. Talk about the fun police. I use to watch and admire the rock climbers getting out there in nature doing their thing. No one ever got hurt.

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