Motiti Islander to speak on marine protection

Te Atatangi Sayers. Supplied photo.

A Motiti Island resident will the the guest speaker at this year's Te Puke Forest & Bird AGM.

Te Atatangi Sayers who will address the importance of marine conservation in the Bay of Plenty at the meeting on Monday.

"We are inclined to take the ocean for granted but an event like the Rena grounding woke up the whole community to the fact that it is a fragile ecosystem and needs our care," says Te Puke Forest & Bird Branch Chair Carole Long.

"Te Atatangi has a passion for marine protection and as his home is on Motiti Island he is the perfect person to explain the importance of marine conservation in the Bay."

Te Atarangi is also a member of the National Executive and a Tauranga Branch committee member of Forest & Bird.

"Attitudes towards marine reserves are changing and we need to work on public acceptance of the fact that they are a bonus for fisheries, providing a nursery for all fish species and retaining the ecological richness that is natural for our ocean and sea floor," says Carole.

"Our biggest challenge at present is to stop bottom trawling in our area and indeed in all NZ territorial waters."

The evening includes a raffle and supper, with a gold coin donation to branch funds much appreciated.

All are welcome to attend the Te Puke Forest & Bird branch, which is being held at Masonic Lodge, 18 Oxford St, Te Puke at 7.30pm on Monday, April 19.


Of course

Posted on 15-04-2021 11:45 | By Let's get real

Protecting the marine environment is vitally important, but tying up an enormous area of reef and structure, such as that outlined around Motiti, is beyond reasonable. There are those that see this as solely the local Maori community demanding special rights over and above those of everyone else. Separatism and divisiveness at it's most extreme level.

Forest and Bird

Posted on 17-04-2021 06:09 | By Lone Star

Go look after some Forests and Birds. Leave our island alone.

@Lone Star.....

Posted on 17-04-2021 19:34 | By groutby far as I can see that's exactly what is being proposed here, protection for Motiti Island, DOC land ( as in Crown owned) land, I am assumiong when you say 'our' land, you do mean owned by all NZ'rs, there a problem here? tell please as it will be important to know. Will you be at the meeting?


Posted on 24-04-2021 09:01 | By Lone Star

I'm referring to Motiti Island. There has never been any consultation with the landowners of Motiti Island. I will not be attending this meeting because I live and work on Motiti. I have attended one of their meetings held at Mt Maunganui a few years ago with other landowners which was a complete waste of time. Nobody wanted to listen to us. Forest and Bird believe everything Mr Sayers tells them. Mr Sayers has never lived on Motiti Island and I daresay if he ever steps foot on this Island again, I will trespass him?

Oh I forgot Groutby

Posted on 24-04-2021 09:13 | By Lone Star

I don't know what Island you're referring to but Motiti Island is privately owned and always has been. DOC don't come here unless they want to be trespassed

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