Dusk till dawn fundraiser walk for cancer teen

The Tama Tu wellness group is walking Mauao all day to raise funds for a Matapihi teenager. Photo. Supplied.

A Matapihi wellness group is raising money for a member of their community this Saturday, by walking up Mauao from sunrise to sunset.

Innocence Henry was diagnosed with a rare type of cancer, Ewing sarcoma, on New Year's Eve.

The 14-year-old Matapihi resident is now undergoing ongoing treatment at Starship Children's Hospital with her parents, Rebecca and Harry, by her side.

Speaking with the blessing of the Henry whanau, Tama Tu wellness group founder Hemi Rolleston explains the main focus of the event is to raise some much needed funding for the family at this testing time.

'The main focus is to raise money for the family and show our support because we are a close knit family here in Matapihi,” says Hemi.

'Innocence's parents are very much giving parents. They are always contributing to the community. You are now seeing aroha that is being given to them.”

Hemi and Tama Tu are spearheading the fundraising event.

Hemi himself had a personal experience of extensive bedside hospital vigil at the start of the year and is appreciative of how important support, emotionally and financially, can be during such a crisis.

That support has been made clear on the Givealittle page for the event, with donations fast approaching $6000.

Hemi says a group of 50 are set to walk the Mauao track, from dawn till dusk.

He has set himself a target of walking to the summit 10 times during that period but admits it will be tough.

However, thinking of Innocence's battle will provide motivation.

'Metaphorically, they are climbing a huge mountain, we are climbing a small mountain,” he says.

'We will be motivated and inspired to get up there because of the cause. We don't want to break people at the same time but we do want people to stretch themselves.

'But it will also be a lot of fun at the same time.”

Hemi and the Tama Tu group are more than happy to align with the cause.

As well as raising money and providing much needed financial support for an extended member of their whanau, the event is a chance to highlight the need to stay healthy and active.

'We are ensuring we stay active,” says Hemi.

'We all lead busy lives, most people do these days. So in any way that we can stay active we do.

'Not only for physical benefits but mentally and spiritually.”

Innocence is set to attend the event as support crew, whilst her netball team and grandparents will also be involved.

Developing connections at Mauao, a location Hemi describes as his group's 'beacon” will therefore form a special crux of the occasion. He is encouraging anyone who sees them on their pursuit this weekend to join in and help the cause.

'There will be a lot of whakawhanaungatanga. A lot of special connections that will come as a result of everybody from all walks of life walking around,” says Hemi.

'So there are a number of side benefits.”

But the overriding goal for Hemi, and all those involved is clear.

'Ultimately we want Innocence to get back better,” he says.

'But the least we can do is make their life less stressful from a financial point of view.”

To view the Givealittle page visit https://givealittle.co.nz/cause/mauaoathon4inno


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