Takitimu North Link project moves forward

A new connection from 15th Ave to the Takitimu Drive Toll Road is being included in the developing designs. Image: Google Maps.

One of the Western Bay of Plenty's most significant roading project is moving another step forward with the first part of the design and construct contract awarded for Takitimu North Link - Stage One.

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency has announced Fulton Hogan and HEB Joint Venture as the successful contractors.

Waka Kotahi National Manager System Design, Robyn Elston says this is a significant commitment and step forward for the Takitimu North Link project.

"We know it will be welcome news for the western Bay of Plenty community, which has been supportive of this project for some time.

"Awarding the contract in this way enables the design to get underway while property negotiations are still being completed. Subject to this, construction for Stage One is expected to start later this year."

This is an important milestone for the NZ Upgrade Programme, which is investing $6.8 billion in road, public transport, walking and cycling infrastructure to improve travel choices, save lives and boost productivity in growth areas.

The programme provides a pipeline of jobs and work for the construction sector, with about 800 people already working on projects around the country.

Fulton Hogan and HEB Joint Venture bring significant experience in building major roading infrastructure, having designed and constructed the Tauranga Eastern Link and the Huntly section of the Waikato Expressway, says Elston.

They are also part of the Alliance delivering Te Ahu a Turanga (Manawatū Tararua Highway).

"The community can expect to see some preparatory activities on site, with geotechnical investigations due to get underway across the project length starting this week.

"The Waka Kotahi project team will be working with the contractors to develop detailed designs for the interchange at Minden Road, a new bridge crossing the Wairoa Awa (River), an underpass at Cambridge Road and Wairoa Road, and a new connection from 15th Ave to the Takitimu Drive Toll Road."

The Joint Venture Project Director, Tony Gallagher, says his team is delighted to begin this project for one of the Bay of Plenty's most significant roading projects to improve safety and access.

"We know the community is excited to see this progress after many years of planning. We are looking forward to partnering with Waka Kotahi and mana whenua and building connections with the community, local government and road users."

There is an opportunity to speak to the project team at the Tauriko for Tomorrow pop-up at Tauranga Crossing from today to Sunday, May 16.

About the project

The Takitimu North Link project will support urban growth in the Western Bay of Plenty and is a key part of the region's Connected Centres programme developed by the Urban Form and Transport Initiative.

SH2 is a busy highway with a poor safety record and the pressures of this have been felt in this community for some time.

This section of state highway between Waihī and Tauranga has developed into a busy commuter and freight route as well as an important tourist link for the northern Bay of Plenty and Coromandel Peninsula. It is also one of New Zealand's highest risk rural roads.

Western Bay of Plenty communities are projected to grow by 16,000 people in the next 20 years, and traffic crossing the Wairoa Bridge increasing from 20,000 to more than 30,000 daily by 2031.

Read more about the project at nzta.govt.nz/takitimunorth

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Fingers crossed.

Posted on 12-05-2021 10:22 | By The Professor

I really hope they have intelligent people working on the planning process. This new road has to be designed correctly and must be future proofed. It is called an expressway and should be designed as an expressway. Few on ramps, no footpaths, no cycle lanes, straight as possible, and 110km/h. The existing SH2 can be utilized for pedestrians and cyclists, and for drivers who are out for a leisurely drive, and doing so well below the posted speed limit. We need a road which will move traffic quickly and safely. Don't stuff this chance up!!

@the Professor

Posted on 12-05-2021 11:33 | By Avman

The NZTA have already stuffed the whole project before they have started. They have announced that there will be only one traffic lane each way, plus a bus-lane in each direction. So 2-lanes for trucks and cars, and 2-lanes for the very occasional empty bus.


Posted on 12-05-2021 13:32 | By The Professor

I missed that information. That is just plain ridiculous. The intelligent population would make the existing SH2 a bus route and would make the new road a duel expressway. Like you say, we have the occasional empty bus, so it seems ridiculous that they would dedicate a lane each way for buses. The space could be better utilized......for the majority user....i.e cars. These clowns have no idea and a pressure group should be formed to stop the existing plan from going ahead.

Toll Road?

Posted on 12-05-2021 13:45 | By CliftonGuy

Is this going to be another toll road to burden the local driver? Especially considering that it will branch off an existing toll road. A single lane each way is also very short-sighted. But then, is anybody surprised?

A little behind time

Posted on 12-05-2021 13:59 | By Wundrin

The section from the toll road to Te Puna would be well on the way to being finished now if the Green Party hadn't had it canned three years ago. Also, marked silencevfrom all as to whether tolling this road is still being considered.

SH2...one lane each way?......

Posted on 12-05-2021 20:23 | By groutby

......total waste of time and $$...but hey!....on the positive side, it keeps people employed as it will hopefully be done properly as required in a few years....again....maybe.........using the word 'futureproof' is just plain stupid nowadays with some of these 'short term' projects.........


Posted on 13-05-2021 15:29 | By dumbkof2

it maybe finished in 10 years but will definately cost 10 times more than originally stated

Lets get TWO things straight !!

Posted on 13-05-2021 21:10 | By The Caveman

If the Gment is talking about starting the job "next week" then its an election sop coming up!! The basic design/specs has already been done by the NZTA !! ANY body want to take $1,000 bet ?? It will be TWO lanes - one each way - numerous on and off ramps - and it will be a TOLL ROAD !!! Nothing better than the current SH2 !!!!

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