SunLive, The Breeze and Life Education Trust Western BOP have been on the hunt together to find the final couple to take part in Dancing for Life Education, in partnership with the Wright Family Foundation.
And while many local identities have already been shoulder tapped, one final couple was still required to take part.
‘It's Time to Shine' was an on-air promotion on the Breeze breakfast show that saw people from all walks of life encouraged to nominate themselves or someone that they think is ready to shine.
Organisers can now reveal our winners, who will receive 15 weeks of dance training before hitting the dance floor at Baypark Tauranga to fundraise for Life Education Trust.
The winners are Lisa Lauder and Dave Mitchell.
Lisa Lauder has enjoyed community involvement at her son's playcentre and the local community trust panto.
She enjoys making new friends, and being involved with local theatre groups 16th Avenue and TMT.
She also took to the stage as a dancer with a Tarnished Frocks and Divas 2019 production, which was a huge learning curve but one that she thoroughly enjoyed.
She loves performing and theatre and loves to expand her experiences and community involvement.
It's Time to Shine winner Dave Mitchell. Supplied image.
Dave Mitchell is a father and grandfather.
He's also employed as a motor trimmer by a local firm now in its 76th year of business.
He has many interests including motorcycling, classic cars, photography and fishing to name but a few.
He is passionate about helping charities and even becomes Santa Claus at Bayfair shopping mall at Christmas time! When asked, he was delighted to put his name forward even though he's scared stiff at the thought of performing in front of an audience and just hopes he will remember his lessons if selected.
All funds raised stay in the local region and support Life Education Trust WBOP to continue educating local children.
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