New $150 million courthouse for Tauranga

The current courthouse site has been deemed too small to accommodate forecast future demand.

A $150 million courthouse build is being approved for Tauranga.

The government funding will be used to build a new courthouse for the High Court and District Court in Tauranga on the land next to the current courthouse, between Monmouth and McLean Streets.

After considerable community consultation by the Ministry of Justice, building on a new site has been identified as the best option.

"The current courthouse site is too small to accommodate forecast future demand. Additionally, construction can proceed without any disruption to court operations," says a statement released by the Justice Minister this morning.

"The new building will increase the number of courtrooms, meaning that High Court cases currently being heard in Rotorua will be heard in Tauranga in the future."

The new courthouse is expected to be completed by 2026.

Kris Faafoi says the new courthouse is part of the 10-year infrastructure investment plan to restore and modernise Ministry of Justice buildings.

"The building will address the safety needs of all participants, including victims, be more family-friendly, and meet physical accessibility requirements for all building users.

"We want to create court facilities which meet the physical, social, emotional, cultural and spiritual needs of New Zealanders. They will also support the Chief District Court Judge's Te Ao Mārama vision for transforming the District Court."

The Minister for Courts, Aupito William Sio, says as well as improving the traditional services of a courthouse, these new courthouse will support the delivery of wrap-around services for both victims and offenders through the potential co-location of social and community sector agencies on their premises.

'For the first time in Aotearoa New Zealand, courthouses will be designed in partnership with the local community, the judiciary and local iwi and hapū," says Aupito William Sio.

"The Tauranga courthouse will reflect local tikanga Māori as well as Te Ao Māori values."

Faafoi says the new courthouse projects will also bring jobs and associated economic activity to the Tauranga.



Posted on 13-10-2021 11:01 | By dumbkof2

why will it take so long to build a nd cost so much

A Greater Need

Posted on 13-10-2021 13:08 | By Justin T.

There is a more serious need for the protection of the jury members who, in this current courthouse layout, have to be escorted passed the criminals friends and family, amassing outside the courthouse, getting verbally harassed and intimidated, as the balloted jury members are ushered out a sidedoor across an open space in front of them all, just to get to the courtroom! Not a fair, let alone safe, way to conduct any trial!


Posted on 13-10-2021 15:10 | By Let's get real

The cost of wet bus tickets has escalated....

golly gosh

Posted on 13-10-2021 16:59 | By old trucker

my view is shift it out to lakes and to cost 150 million is bull dust it will blow out to 200 million all those huge trees growing there must cause havoc with the root system under the current court house, 150 mil would build us a new bypass my thoughts only on this thanks No1 for being the BEST News ,10-4 out. phew.

Cost Effective…

Posted on 13-10-2021 23:28 | By Bob Landy

…if the clientele pay for it.

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