The Bay of Plenty District Heath Board has moved to squash suggestions that residents who have not received their Covid-19 vaccination are being refused treatment at the region's hospitals.
The BOPDHB states they have become aware of misinformation being spread in the community but are making it clear that unvaccinated patients will continue to be treated.
DHBs must ensure their workers have had their first vaccination by 11.59pm on Monday, November 15 to comply with the government's Covid-19 Vaccination order
The BOPDHB acting chief operating officer Bronwyn Anstis said this is applies only to workers and that any suggestion people will have treatment refused based on their vaccination status is not correct.
'The recent mandate that healthcare workers are to be vaccinated applies to our internal staff,” says Bronwyn.
'The Bay of Plenty DHB will not discriminate against patients who are not vaccinated for Covid19.
'If we ask you about your vaccination status it will be to let you know that we can vaccinate you, if you want it.”
Staff at the BOPDHB's Tauranga and Whakatāne Hospitals and other sites will have been vaccinated against Covid-19 as mandated by the government's Covid-19 Vaccination order to protect our population, says a statement from the BOPDHB.
'Unvaccinated patients will continue to be seen and welcomed into our premises for treatment,” says Bronwyn.
'Screening for Covid-19 symptoms will continue at the entrances to our hospitals and other sites, and as usual we continue to ask you to refrain from attending appointments if you have any symptoms of fever, cough, sore throat, loss of taste or smell.”
Bronwyn reminds people that If they are unable to attend an appointment or need to update their contact details to please call our Patient Information Centre on 0800 333 477.
Too soft!!
Posted on 11-11-2021 16:24 | By The Professor
Maybe if the DHB toughened up and refused treatment for the unvaccinated, more people may be persuaded to get the jab....if they are able to. COVID related illness specifically should preclude treatment funded by the tax payer. Follow Singapore's lead.
Govt division is why
Posted on 11-11-2021 17:15 | By an_alias
The govt has create this division and it should always remain a free choice what to do with your OWN BODY. @ The Professor I'm amazed at your response, have the un-vaxxed paid taxes just like the vaxxed ? Are you so low that you would have medical people check your medical status before helping ? What about drug overdoses or drunk people, No sorry NOT going to help. What a shocker.
Posted on 11-11-2021 17:53 | By Gigilo
People who choose not to take the jab are tax payers too. Are you suggesting that vaccinated should be refused as well? Maybe you should look at the stats.
Nice one Professor
Posted on 11-11-2021 18:39 | By Walbuck
A question is often asked how the German people could let the Nazis persecute the Jewish Population. Simple - Mass propaganda saying they were the carriers of disease and demonized You'd fit well back in 1933-38
Re: Too soft
Posted on 11-11-2021 20:51 | By Baldrick
Interesting to hear your point of view. I note that you proclaim to be a professor, and yet not bright enough to realise that those unvaccinated among us have also paid tax for these services too, so should be just as entitled to them as any one else. Secondly, you seem to be in favour of segregation. South Africa tried it, look at how that worked out for them. It seems history does repeat itself, one only needs to look at 1930's Germany when certain race was ostracised as unclean, and now it's another group that's out of favour, the unvaxxed. May I suggest that the good professor (if that's indeed what you are), do a bit of research regarding the lead up to WW2 under Nazi occupation, and ask "is this what I really want?". Let people decide according to their conscience
Posted on 12-11-2021 10:25 | By Yadick
I don't see anything wrong with the unvaxxed having to pay for Covid19 treatment. Cancer patients pay thousands of dollars. It's not about health professionals neglecting their duty of care, that wouldn't happen. Ongoing medication should be payed for by those that have chosen no to the vaccination.
Cut to the chase.
Posted on 12-11-2021 18:33 | By morepork
Our health service either serves ALL of us, irrespective of race, gender, age, religion, or belief system, or it is NOT the health system it was intended to be. This is one of the reasons I am so upset about the He Puapua proposal for a separate Maori health system. We should be fixing what is wrong with the existing system, instead of allocating billions to an exclusive race-based second tier. Covid, and dealing with it, is shaping to be a much more divisive factor in our society than Racism. Respect the rights of others, but do your best to see they are properly informed and persuaded. This is NOT Singapore; as long as we have resources, we MUST treat Kiwis who need treatment. Alcohol and tobacco addiction are self-inflicted wounds that present dedicated health staff with exactly the same challenge. Will we never learn?
I agree
Posted on 13-11-2021 14:12 | By FRANKS
with morepork (cut to the chase ). There must be one system for all......that is what democracy is. This means we have to cater for even the minority idiots who dont get vaccinated They are still better than the drug dealers , thieves and other criminals that we have in our society.
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