Motorists have been warned to expect delays on Saturday afternoon as anti-lockdown activists gear up to block roads across Tauranga in the latest stage of polarising protests.
The Freedoms & Rights Coalition, founded by Destiny Church leader Brian Tamaki, threatened to gridlock traffic in all main centres around New Zealand on Saturday if its demands to drop Covid restrictions by Friday were not met.
The Government did not accede to the controversial coalition's demands and on Friday evening its social media channels duly announced the action would go ahead.
Vehicular protests are taking place in Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Hawkes Bay, Nelson, Wellington and Whangārei.
Main routes across Tauranga city are expected to be gridlocked from around 2pm today as a motorcade of vehicles sets off to deliberately disrupt and slow down traffic.
Motorists driving too slowly and/or blocking traffic can be fined $150 and receive 20 remerit points.
The protesters say they have four demands for the Government: to remove vaccination mandates immediately, revoke the traffic light system, lift the Auckland borders and move New Zealand to level one.
A police spokeswoman says in a statement they are aware of the protest 'and will continue to monitor activity”.
'Police officers will maintain a presence and will respond to events as appropriate at the time."
The coalition was responsible for several large scale gatherings at the Auckland Domain. Destiny Church leader Brian Tamaki is facing charges for allegedly organising the gatherings.
Destiny member Paul Thompson, who recently tested positive for Covid is also facing charges in relation to the gathering.
The Tauranga sector of the coalition was responsible for gatherings at Coronation Park on Saturday October 16, and at Memorial Park on Saturday October 30. A 43-year-old man was arrested and charged with failing to comply with an order under Covid-19 regulations.
'As with previous large gatherings, police may follow up on any identified offences or breaches at a later time," says a Police spokeswoman in response to a query about the planned traffic disruption.
Posted on 13-11-2021 12:18 | By dumbkof2
no jab, no job, no govt handouts, no free medical treatments
The Freedoms & Rights Coalition
Posted on 13-11-2021 12:39 | By surfsup
So the Freedom and rights coalition thinks it's ok to take away my freedom and rights to move around the city i live in freely. A complete bunch of selfish people, easily manipulated by a man who is the exact opposite of what a leader and so call man of god should be.
If I Offend
Posted on 13-11-2021 14:03 | By FRANKS
the police will give me a ticket if I am over 5km above the speed limit but they will ONLY observe and monitor these idiots. Whose side are they on????
They don't care how they endanger Kiwis
Posted on 13-11-2021 14:24 | By michelem
If they were real spiritual leaders, they would be concerned to safeguard their flock. They are not concerned either with their parishioners or their freedom. They just after the attention, spreading misinformation and discord.
Posted on 13-11-2021 14:26 | By Elly Maynard
Brian Tamaki is yet again showing himself to be what he is! Someone wanting the spotlight and to Hell with the rest of us! Shame there are so many brain washed people out there! At least the majority of us have done the right thing and got vaccinated!
Posted on 13-11-2021 14:27 | By Cynical Me
Apparently it is ok if you chose to do the same. so what are you complaining about? If you have a free chose what can't they?
@ surfsup
Posted on 13-11-2021 15:12 | By Yadick
Well said mate, well said. What in the world do these idiots think they're going achieve apart from piising everyone else off. Ticket the lot of them although that said who is deliberate and who is a victim of their selfish, self centered arrogance. To all of you that took part in this, you're nothing more than thoughtless, reckless idiots and can each be utterly disgusted with yourself. GO HOME.
It will be interesting
Posted on 13-11-2021 15:19 | By Womby
It will be interesting when this clown leads these easily led people to a place where they lose their jobs and freedom to fly, attend events etc. I saw three on push bikes and a bare chested runner in the rain holding up the traffic into Bethlehem earlier
Good on em
Posted on 13-11-2021 16:28 | By Slim Shady
I don’t know why all the complaining. I thought sheep liked being huddled together. If they think and act like sheep, then be treated like sheep. Enjoy.
Danger Man
Posted on 13-11-2021 17:03 | By usandthem
When will New Zealanders start to realise that Brian Tamaki is the most dangerous person in the country simply because of the way he manipulates others to his own selfish way of thinking.Remember Jim Jones back in the 80's and the other idiot from the Branch Dividians in Wako ,Texas.
Posted on 13-11-2021 17:05 | By terry hall
lock the idiot up both of them. when you look at the followers they are just as bad, he is a leach on the poor so he can get millions for what nothing, self proclaimed idiot.
Posted on 13-11-2021 18:01 | By hexsayer
basically everyday traffic in tauranga. nothing new here waka kotahi does that all the time.
Posted on 13-11-2021 18:43 | By Merlin
The Destiny Church the organisers are not showing any respect for the reasons for the law to get us out of or save lives from this pandemic. More like they don't care about people getting Covid and I would have thought that is not how God would like them to behave. About 90% are doing the right thing to help save serious illness or deaths.
Ashamed of the useful idiots
Posted on 14-11-2021 02:06 | By Major Oranje
Look at these have been wearing masks, taken experimental drugs in your arm, been in lockdown, possibly lost your job or business and suddenly you're upset over a few hours of traffic inconvenience. So quick to allow all our freedoms to be taken. You should all be ashamed of your cringeworthy collaboration with a totalitarian tyranny.
Cynical Me
Posted on 14-11-2021 08:39 | By surfsup
I can't believe you cannot see how stupid your reply was. The idiots who took part in this had no concern or respect for the rest of the population. Protest as much as you want in your space but don't interrupt my way of life otherwise you are simply hypocrites.
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