MOH working with BOP schools after Covid cases

Mount Maunganui Intermediate is one of three schools in Tauranga to have a positive case. Image: Google Maps.

The Ministry of Health says it continues to work with schools in the Bay of Plenty regarding appropriate health measures after a day of concern over Covid-19 outbreaks.

Yesterday saw confirmation of positive Covid-19 cases in students at Mount Maunganui Intermediate and Te Puna School, as well as a positive case in an adult volunteer for an Aquinas College sports team.

Te Puna School was shut yesterday as a result of the positive cases, although the Ministry of Health has advised them the risk remains low.

Testing was made available by Pirirākau Hauora at nearby Te Puna Rugby Club yesterday as a result.

Mount Intermediate and Aquinas College remained open.

The MOH states that the risk at the schools appears low but work is underway on dealing with Covid cases in education settings.

'Cases of Covid-19 have been detected at Mount Maunganui Intermediate School and Te Puna School in the Bay of Plenty,” says a Ministry of Health spokesperson.

'Additionally, a sports team at Aquinas College were exposed to a case, however at this stage, public health officials believe the risk to the wider school is low.

'Public Health officials are working with the schools on appropriate public health measures including isolation and testing for some individuals.”

The Ministry have also provided an update on why the schools are not listed as locations of interest.

'It's important to note that these schools may be treated as exposure events, meaning they won't be listed online as locations of interest,” says the MOH spokesperson.

'This is because public health officials have a good idea of who was at the schools at the relevant time and an effective means of contacting them.”

There were 12 cases of Covid-19 announced in the Bay of Plenty on Wednesday, including a case in the Eastern Bay of Plenty.

The Ministry of Health says the region's total number associated with this outbreak to 53.

'The Ministry of Health asks everyone in the Bay of Plenty to remain vigilant and to get vaccinated,” says a spokesperson.

'Anyone with any symptoms that could be Covid-19 is asked to get a tested.”


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