Govt reveals 25-year plan to tackle violence

Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence Marama Davidson. Photo: RNZ / Samuel Rillstone.

A 25-year plan to tackle the amount of violence in New Zealand homes is being unveiled by the government this morning.

The country's first National Strategy for eliminating family violence and sexual violence, called Te Aorerekura, will see 10 agencies working together.

Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence Marama Davidson says Te Aorerekura represents an evolution in the journey to address violence in homes and in communities.

"Te Aorerekura sets a collective ambition to create peaceful homes where children, families and whānau thrive; to enable safe communities where all people are respected, and support the wellbeing of our nation.

"This is an important step towards ensuring the wellbeing of all people."

Davidson says significant public engagement across the country was undertaken with a resulting key message being that tangata whenua, the sectors and communities must be supported to lead and develop new ways of working.

Cabinet has agreed to establish a Tangata Whenua Advisory Group to provide independent advice and guidance to Davidson on family violence and sexual violence.

"Te Aorerekura sets out the principles that will guide how people work and the shifts that will move us toward: strength-based wellbeing; mobilising communities; skilled, culturally competent and sustainable workforces; investment in primary prevention; safe, accessible and integrated responses; increased capacity for healing; and learning and monitoring," she says.

The government expects over time the changes will mean further harm is not done to victims by the justice system and individuals and whānau are supported to heal and overcome the trauma of violence.

It would expect safe and tailored services to be available for tangata whenua, Pacific peoples, ethnic communities, LGBTQI communities, older people, male survivors and disabled communities, and that women, wāhine Māori and trans women impacted by violence can access safe, integrated, trauma informed and inclusive responses to provide protection and support wellbeing.

Understanding healthy relationships and how to seek help will be key for children and young people, as well as making sure they have access to tailored services, Davidson says.

For perpetrators of violence, the changes will see accountability and support to change and address past trauma.

Davidson says the government wants to see reduced tolerance for violence and inequity across the country and action taken by families, whānau and communities to prevent family violence and sexual violence.

The government currently spends $1.5 billion to $2 billion annually on the consequences of family violence and sexual violence.

Chief victims advisor Dr Kim McGregor says victims of family and sexual violence and their advocates have been asking for a comprehensive overhaul of systems for about 30 years.

McGregor says the national strategy is bold, focusing on the underlying social conditions that contribute to the violence and aiming to make the justice system safer for victims.

"During public engagement on the strategy, I saw diverse groups of people, including victims and survivors, contributing their expertise and having a voice about how the system needs to work. I am pleased to see this reflected in the strategy and action plan.

"The strategy provides a framework that reflects the complex needs of all population groups and will help guide and coordinate the work of people right across the system, in government and in communities. I look forward to contributing to the implementation of the strategy that aims to better prevent violence and better support people to heal, and restore and live free from violence."

She says it's the result of a phenomenal effort but it will need cross party support to really make a difference.

Where to get help:

Need to Talk? Free call or text 1737 any time to speak to a trained counsellor, for any reason.

If it is an emergency and you feel like you or someone else is at risk, call 111.

Sexual Violence

NZ Police

Victim Support 0800 842 846

Rape Crisis 0800 88 33 00

Rape Prevention Education

Empowerment Trust

HELP Call 24/7 (Auckland): 09 623 1700, (Wellington): be 04 801 6655 - 0

Safe to talk: a 24/7 confidential helpline for survivors, support people and those with harmful sexual behaviour: 0800044334.

Male Survivors Aotearoa

Family Violence

Women's Refuge: (0800 733 843)

It's Not OK (0800 456 450)

Shine: 0508 744 633

Victim Support: 0800 650 654

HELP Call 24/7 (Auckland): 09 623 1700, (Wellington): be 04 801 6655 - 0

The National Network of Family Violence Services NZ has information on specialist family violence agencies.




Posted on 07-12-2021 08:40 | By Let's get real

I hope that there's an awful lot more effort and thought put into achieving something than there has been in announcing a 25 year planned talkfest. I read the planned objectives and thought "someone wasn't paying attention at the hui and has realised that something needs to be written down".

What a Joke

Posted on 07-12-2021 13:18 | By First Responder

25 years. Most projects this current government is planning seem to have a 25 year program. Look how fast gun violence has escalated in the last 12 months, and police now employed to manage the boarder, and attend to Covid issues. What a joke. I wonder what the 25 year plan will be to increase mental health facilities, increase ICU beds, employ more nurses, increase housing. The list goes on. Tell you what. I've got a 2 year plan. Vote this hopeless government out in 2023.

So little progress

Posted on 08-12-2021 07:34 | By Kancho

This government is into a second term yet the promises on housing, child poverty mental health , hospitals , health workers, teachers, have all made little or no difference. Bike lanes get funding no problems, money for gangs so many ways money is squandered . Money on more reports saying the same things , so much frivolous funding. The priorities are all wrong huge borrowing and hairbrained schemes

Hopeless bunch

Posted on 09-12-2021 10:08 | By Slim Shady

Another elimination strategy. Sounds great but it’s meaningless and not achievable so exactly what this lot would come up with. Utopian dream gazing again. I can’t see how it will work when Courts have been directed to give all violent offenders home detention. This Government has been disastrous for New Zealand. Achieved nothing but racked up huge amounts of debt. Everything has got worse. The only people to have gained are gangs, benefit recipients and prisoners. Roll on 2023.

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