10:34:25 Thursday 27 March 2025

Wellington protesters fear secret ‘tech weapons’

A man, left rear, is seen wearing a tin foil hat is seen among protesters near Parliament grounds in Wellington. Photo: Monique Ford/Stuff.

Wellington anti-mandate protesters have been seen wearing tin foil hats, as some baselessly claim they are being targeted by 'tech weapons” directed at them.

A video posted on Facebook on Thursday under the name Carlene Louise has attracted attention on social media.

In the video, the protester said people at the occupation site in Wellington are getting ill and claims without any evidence that the cause is 'EMF machines”, 'radiation machines” and 'technological weapons” being directed at the occupation.

She said protesters had devised an unusual way to protect themselves.

'This is so funny, people are actually making tin foil hats. Now isn't that funny. But they work, apparently,'' she said. 'I'm going to have a day where I actually wear it, and I'm looking forward to that. I hope we can inspire everyone to wear tin foil hats."

She said a fellow protester was going to buy a 'massive roll of tinfoil'' so they could make the hats.

'I think it's a fantastic idea. We want to lighten the mood a little bit."

Another Twitter account posted a picture of protesters wearing tin foils hats, although it was unclear whether their headwear was serious or tongue-in-cheek.

While the mood around tin foil hats has been light-hearted from some protesters, others have turned on the Anglican Cathedral of St Paul.

Jae Ratana delivered a letter to the church after police installed surveillance cameras on the building overlooking the protestors.

Addressed to Bishop Justin Duckworth, the letter repeated debunked claims about how the land that both the cathedral and Parliament sit on was contested, and that its rightful owner was Tuffy Churton; a claim debunked by Te Raukura Wharewaka o Pōneke chairperson Liz Mellish.

The letter went on to baselessly accuse the cathedral of allowing police to covertly install long range acoustic devices (LRADs) in the cathedral building, and claimed that the devices were giving protestors mental and physical issues.

They also believed electro-magnetic frequency weaponry was stationed in the cathedral building. The letter threatened an invasion and search of the building if the equipment wasn't removed.

Anglican officials said they were aware of the letter, but declined to comment.

The occupation camp was deemed a location of interest for Covid-19 by health officials on Thursday morning.

On Wednesday afternoon, the Ministry of Health said there have been at least two Covid-19 cases related to the protest.

Police and protesters face off on Thursday. Photo: David White/Stuff.

Police said earlier in the occupation that officers working at the protest had tested positive for Covid-19.

On Friday, an officer working on the frontline told Stuff he was concerned about wellbeing and sanitation at the protest site.

Protesters claimed on Saturday morning that they expected their numbers to swell over the weekend. Police have warned people not to attend the occupation.

Charlie Gates/Stuff


It is getting farcical.

Posted on 26-02-2022 13:01 | By morepork

For years now tinfoil hats have been worn by disturbed (but harmless...) people. This kind of nonsense is undermining any real credibility the protesters may have and it deflects attention from the issue of mandate removal, which should be taken seriously and debated openly.


Posted on 26-02-2022 13:20 | By Carlos spicywiener

A tin hat would protect you from emf ,which is why its used in sensitive electronics.,however there is no tin in aluminum foil.

There goes the credibility

Posted on 26-02-2022 14:02 | By Kancho

I would think any sensible protesters would realise this nonsense totally distracts their aims. Disjointed lack of cohesion . Still very amusing although I would worry about the mental health and also reports of covid this may become a super spreader. My commiserations to nearby Wellingtonians at the breach of their rights to live without various abuses from the rabble

No Surprise

Posted on 26-02-2022 21:34 | By Bob Landy

The tin foil hat people are wearing tin foil hats.

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