Local elections: Commission recommends delay

Tauranga City Council Commission, from left, Shadrach Rolleston, Bill Wasley, Anne Tolley and Stephen Selwood. File Image. SunLive.

Tauranga City Council Commissioners have recommended to Local Government Minister Nanaia Mahuta that local government elections in the city be delayed by a year.

The four-person Commission, chaired by Anne Tolley, have also suggested a Crown Manager should then oversee Council after elections until 2025.

The recommendations come in the most recent report from Commissioners to the Minister, submitted on December 31 last year and released to the public last month.

The Commission was appointed by Minister Mahuta, coming into effect in February 2021, to address what she called 'significant governance problems” among the elected representatives for Tauranga.

The Commission's term was due to end with October's elections but the Commission's recommendation is that this should not happen.

In the report, the Commissioners suggest community engagement has seen concerns raised that a return to elected officials could again see 'dysfunctional governance” impacting Council effectiveness.

'We have assessed the perceived risk of that scenario to Council's work programme (as defined through the 2021-31 LTP), activities and capability and we believe the risks involved can best be managed by delaying the city's local government elections by one year (until October 2023) and appointing a Crown Manager to oversee Council governance through until the next scheduled local government elections in 2025,” reads the report.

This approach, according to the Commissioners, would 'allow the significant work programmes required to address the city's growth issues and infrastructure and community facility deficits, and the funding and financing arrangements required to support them, to be further progressed”.

The final decision will rest with Mahuta however several organisations around the city are opposed to the Commission staying on.

Sustainable Bay of Plenty executive director Glen Crowther penned a letter to Minister Mahuta last week expressing his desire for elections to return.

'The community has now lost its voice and the city has lost any sustainability guidance that it once had, with only a small group of influencers included in council decision-making processes,” he says.

'Councillors expressing different viewpoints should never result in the removal of the democratic process. In fact, such a situation is the very time to implement the most robust democratic processes.

'There are times when a council needs to lead by making decisive decisions that some residents may not like. However, the fundamental principle of any representative democracy is that elected politicians are there to represent the views of their constituents.”

Several members of Tauranga's business community have expressed a desire for the Commission to remain for at least one more year. Former Mayor Tenby Powell told SunLive he was of the same opinion last month.

However, Local Government New Zealand president Stuart Crosby told SunLive last month that he also supports a return to elections this year.

"While the Commissioners do consult the Tauranga community, it is very clear that they're operating under a terms of reference set down by the Minister of Local Government which can conflict with long term and sustainable community development," said Crosby.


So no democracy please

Posted on 08-03-2022 11:50 | By an_alias

Sunlive poll showing 65% of Tauranga potentially does not agree with you and wants to have local democracy back. What an absolute travesty, nice quote from Tenby again that man who created the mess and would not work with other councillors. No bias in the commisoners getting paid $1800 a day please till 2025 thanks.

Another slap to the city

Posted on 08-03-2022 12:05 | By Angels

We want democracy. This is just another power grab to get another years wages. Enough of this craziness.


Posted on 08-03-2022 12:12 | By Let's get real

There is absolutely nothing to stop these people from standing in a democratic election and put the works that they are responsible for up to public scrutiny. Rather, all I see is a desperate push to ensure that demolition is underway so that rebuilding must take place and empire building at ratepayers expense cannot be hindered by public opinion. A disgraceful example of "we know what's best for you"... It's so easy to spend free money if you've never been responsible for earning it.

What they really mean.

Posted on 08-03-2022 12:14 | By morepork

"We have a nice little gravy train going on here and there's no reason to upset it. The local yokels are not capable of managing the projects that we, under minister Mahuta's guidance, are implementing. The citizens and ratepayers don't understand how important projects like expanding Cameron Road are and they are not aligned with OUR priorities." Why is 10B's opinion even noted? He got us into a state of having no representation and now he is supporting the continuance of that state. The man obviously has political aspirations that have nothing to do with Tauranga. The only hope for us is to remove this tribal tikanga Government at the earliest opportunity, and restore the Democracy (even if there ARE arguments) that is the lifeblood of our country.

No way!

Posted on 08-03-2022 12:31 | By TheCameltoeKid

Another year of cream salaries and poor decision-making. The majority of the city wants democracy restored and these Commisioners gone. Another year and local elections will interfere with the general election. As for Powell he created this mess in the first place so he has no right to comment whatsoever! Bring on the elections as planned and good riddance to these Commisioners.


Posted on 08-03-2022 12:38 | By CliftonGuy

Well, if we do not get democracy, then my rates payment will be suspended until we do. A promise was made that we would have elections in October. If that promise is broken, then my promise to pay rates will follow suit. Putin promised not to invade Ukraine. Political integrity is no longer to be counted on.

No more of the same

Posted on 08-03-2022 12:48 | By Rayna Elaine

A single Crown manager chosen by Manaia Mahuta would have just as much power as the Commissioners. At least there are four of them who could at least consult. The overwhelming factor of elected representatives is that they listen to the people of Tauranga without personal bias , take heed of consultancy poll and referenda and importantly be aware of the rules of debate which if used properly would enable good governance.

out the commisoners

Posted on 08-03-2022 12:51 | By wilton4@xtra.co.nz

these leeches need to be gone they putting us in more debt than other clowns we had

Commissioners feather pockets of richlisters

Posted on 08-03-2022 12:56 | By Murray.Guy

$1800 a day PLUS expenses, accommodation, hard to give up? In all honesty, while I have always believed the Commissioners to be NO MORE THAN PUPPETS of those in our city who would manipulate, influence issues and outcomes with the support of senior TCC staff, to enhance their wealth, fulfill their ego fueled dreams at the cost of ratepayers, our natural environment, green public spaces -THE CORRUPT and ANTI-DEMOCRACY MINDSETS ..... I genuinely did not think the commissioners were telling porkies to the community regarding democracy being returned Oct 2022. Come ANZAC day, ANY who are party to the denial of democracy in our city, who applaud the Commissioners deception, destruction of goodwill, integrity based, inclusive democracy, MUST BE CALLED OUT, out of respect to those that sacrificed so much that we might continue to enjoy our freedoms and democracy, that it might be ENHANCED.

Commissioners feather pockets of richlisters

Posted on 08-03-2022 12:56 | By Murray.Guy

$1800 a day PLUS expenses, accommodation, hard to give up? In all honesty, while I have always believed the Commissioners to be NO MORE THAN PUPPETS of those in our city who would manipulate, influence issues and outcomes with the support of senior TCC staff, to enhance their wealth, fulfill their ego fueled dreams at the cost of ratepayers, our natural environment, green public spaces -THE CORRUPT and ANTI-DEMOCRACY MINDSETS ..... I genuinely did not think the commissioners were telling porkies to the community regarding democracy being returned Oct 2022. Come ANZAC day, ANY who are party to the denial of democracy in our city, who applaud the Commissioners deception, destruction of goodwill, integrity based, inclusive democracy, MUST BE CALLED OUT, out of respect to those that sacrificed so much that we might continue to enjoy our freedoms and democracy, that it might be ENHANCED.

Of course

Posted on 08-03-2022 13:15 | By Kancho

Labour want to keep control in every aspect and to push through ideological policies. What better way than to select and pay the commissioners.


Posted on 08-03-2022 13:18 | By dumbkof2

of course they dont want elections yet not while tolley is getting a thousand a day

Continue the job

Posted on 08-03-2022 13:22 | By Gaz

The commission has achieved more for Tauranga in their short time, than councillors ever did in their long time. Tauranga is now showing tremendous progress to becoming a grown up city, and the commission have played a vital part in that. Democracy can be over rated.

thought this was meant to be a democratic country

Posted on 08-03-2022 14:13 | By TGAresident9876

think it is up to the rate payers to decide who should be representing them, even if those elected have differing views, that's what makes democracy work. Tenby Powell failed in his role to lead a team, so should now stay quiet!

this is what we pay rates for

Posted on 08-03-2022 14:20 | By Chookymac

Get Rid of then now and for ever

Leave it to Mahuta

Posted on 08-03-2022 14:41 | By FRANKS

She has been so upfront and available to the people affected by her decision to appoint commissioners ..............we expect the same will apply now...........

mr ken

Posted on 08-03-2022 14:53 | By pamken

i bet they still want them selves to stay wouldnt you if you were being paid what they are

Hobson’s choice

Posted on 08-03-2022 15:35 | By The Sage

As much as I would like Tauranga to have democracy back, it is frightening considering the calibre of previous councillors. Why would anyone be asking for Tenby Powell’s opinion, he instigated the start of the downfall. I am not in favour of Govt appointed Commissioners continuing to be paid exorbitant fees.


Posted on 08-03-2022 15:39 | By Bob Landy

A dictatorship is running Tauranga.

Only one year

Posted on 08-03-2022 19:33 | By Informed

Another 12 months minimum, but another 3 would be better. Councillors have run Tauranga into the ground through their mismanagement, meddling and egos. Why would be want the people that bought you the Harrington Carpark, Phenix Park,Death of the CBD, Breaking Links ave by putting bus lanes in back in charge.

A very expensive learning process.

Posted on 11-03-2022 18:06 | By morepork

Both the Commissioners and the previous elected Council got SOME things right; even a STOPPED clock is right twice a day... It isn't about the performance or otherwise of the Commission, it is about the principle of Democracy. Mahuta is not a fan. She favours the tribal tikanga where the chief calls the shots and the rest do his bidding. No room for dissent or protest. And, in some societies this is not a bad approach, especially if the people are uneducated and not used to thinking for themselves. Many people, even in Western Societies, are quite happy to let someone else make decisions for them. But as enlightenment grows (modern networks make it possible), people want more say in how they are governed. For Tauranga, we need to restore Democracy AND ensure that the previous failures (Commission and Council) are scrutinized, so they can be learned from...

Fight for your democracy

Posted on 12-03-2022 18:07 | By Ziggaty

If there was ever a time to protest on the streets of Tauranga this is it. We, after all, are not a communist country. This socialist government is quickly deteriorating into one. It after all "Takes good men to do nothing for evil to exist". How dare Mahuta/Jacinda/Labour do this. We a democracy. For goodness sake get off your backsides and FIGHT for it.

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