Pike River Mine: evidence of human remains

Images of further remains have been captured at Pike River Mine

Police have notified the families of the 29 Pike River mine victims that imaging work from the redrilling of a borehole has captured evidence of further human remains.

The images have been reviewed by pathologists and show two sets of human remains.

One of these was imaged, identified as human remains, and notified to the families in early 2011.

The images were taken in the road way leading to the Goaf area.

It is believed that three men were working in this area.

'The discovery of these remains means that eight sets of human remains have now been captured in imaging taken during borehole drilling,” says Detective Superintendent Peter Read.
'As I've noted previously, the search for answers over the last 11 years has been a long and painful journey for the families of the 29 men lost at the mine.”
'While the discovery of these eight sets of remains is significant, I'm very aware that it still leaves many unanswered questions for the men's loved ones, and my thoughts are with all of the families today.”
The redrilling of this borehole brings to an end the borehole drilling operation, which commenced in early 2019.
'The drilling operation has provided Police with valuable information to inform our investigation into the underground activity that led to the first explosion,” says Detective Superintendent Read.
'On behalf of NZ Police, I would like to extend my sincere thanks all those who worked on and supported the drilling operation, including Pike River Recovery Agency staff, and other drilling and mining experts.”
'While the drilling operation has concluded, work on the criminal investigation is ongoing.”



Posted on 09-03-2022 18:28 | By dumbkof2

this whole thing stinks. they had a two hour time frame to get in there and get those men out. this is what the mine rescue team train for. the rescue team could have been in the mine within 15min. there is a big cover up going on somewhere


Posted on 09-03-2022 22:19 | By groutby

.....it will go on for years...and years......to prove what exactly? We still feel for the families of those who lost their lives..........

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