NZ peace flotilla protesting Russian invasion

Jo McVeagh, Nuku Atkinson-Hay (14), Chris Hay and Charlie Hay (5) on board the SV Gruffalo which departed Mahurangi Harbour on Thursday to meet the rest of the peace flotilla. Photo: Jo McVeagh.

About a dozen protest boats are expected to arrive in Helena Bay by early Saturday afternoon as a peace flotilla calling for the NZ government to freeze a Russian oligarch's assets.

Russian steel magnate Alexander Abramov has a large country estate in Helena Bay, between Whangārei and the Bay of Islands. It is about 300 hectares of land, including three kilometres of coastline and four private beaches, according to its Trip Advisor listing.

The flotilla plan to anchor just offshore from the lodge's private beach, to show support for the people of Ukraine, and are urging Abramov to put pressure on Russian President Vladimir Putin to end the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Alexander Abramov's property in Helena Bay. Photo: Supplied.

The steel magnate is 63 years old and worth about $6 billion. According to Bloomberg, the steel magnate's net worth has dropped 33 per cent since Russia invaded Ukraine. It was over $9b earlier in the year. His major shareholding (about 20 per cent) is in steel making company Evraz, which has lost around 85 pe rcent of its value in 2022.

Leading the peace flotilla, the SV Windborne sets sail out of Auckland on Thursday, heading for Helena Bay. Photo: Nick Young.

Skipper of the Windborne Avon Hansford says he anchored at the Poor Knights overnight on Friday before setting sail Saturday morning on the final leg.

He and partner Mihaela Vlainic set sail from Whitianga on Saturday, meeting up with the Greenpeace crew in Auckland midweek before leaving Princes Wharf for Kawau where they expected to rendezvous with other boats.

Greenpeace Aotearoa programme director Niamh O'Flynn and skipper Avon Hansford at the wheel of the Windborne as it sails to Helena Bay. Photo: Mihaela Vlainic.

Greenpeace announced on Tuesday that they are joining the flotilla, however the veteran protest boat SV Vega which the crew planned to sail on, was delayed leaving Auckland due to engine trouble.

Vega has a long history of peaceful protest and a close connection with Greenpeace having been involved in nuclear free Pacific protest voyages to Moruroa and more recently in New Zealand with flotillas to stop deep sea oil.

As well as SV Vega, other boats have joined the protest, including the Tumua, and another veteran protest boat Mary of York.

Both the Tumua and Windborne have reported being escorted by pods of dolphins for part of their journey.

The Mary of York crew sailing to Helena Bay. Photo: Ben Tombs.

'We are very proud to be bringing Mary of York to this,” says sailor Ben Tombs. 'She has history defending New Zealand from nuclear subs.”

Ben's crew have sewn a blue and yellow flag which they have displayed from the rigging, and set sail from the Bay of Islands at dawn to meet up with the flotilla.

Large flag sewn by Kristen Percy awaits the peace flotilla. Photo: Kristen Percy.

Northland resident Kristen Percy has attached a blue and yellow heart to the trunk of a large palm ready to welcome the arriving sailors.

'The situation is nuanced here in Teal/Ngawai Bay, Helena Bay and Oakura,” says Kristen. 'Mr Abramov, despite his connections, has been very supportive of the local community especially the local Mokau Marae.

'Nevertheless we support a peaceful protest, so I hand sewed a flag to welcome any intrepid sailors who might make it ashore.”

Kristen says there are large onshore swells on Saturday morning. The sailors plan to come ashore in kayaks to plant a flag in the sand on the beach below Abramov's lodge.

Greenpeace Aotearoa programme director Niamh O'Flynn if the Government is serious about using sanctions to pressure Putin, then they must go for the big fish quickly.

'That means freezing Alexander Abramov's assets, as New Zealand's richest Russian investor.”


No rule of Law

Posted on 12-03-2022 13:10 | By an_alias

This request to freeze assets is madness, we have a rule of law and ALL should have due process. You never say someone is guilty of anything until proven in a court of law. Have you forgotten that ?


Posted on 12-03-2022 15:31 | By dumbkof2

i'm sure mr putin is shaking in his boots now

to analiass!

Posted on 12-03-2022 17:43 | By Ben Dover

Don't you watch the pictures of the Ukrainians being murdered every day by the Russians???

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