Reminder to keep glass out of mixed recycling

People can drop their glass at recycling centres around the WBOP. File photo.

Western Bay residents are being asked to temporarily curb their kerbside glass recycling efforts to ensure their empties don't end up in landfill.

Western Bay of Plenty District Council's kerbside collection service is currently operating at a reduced level due to Covid-19 staff shortages with neither the glass crate or food scraps bin being collected until further notice.

However, the removal of the two bins has seen eager recyclers pop their glass items in the yellow lid recycling bin, where it can go on to cause problems.

Council Deputy CEO and Infrastructure Services Group Manager, Gary Allis says glass cannot be placed in the yellow lid bin at any time because if it breaks in a recycling truck the entire load is contaminated and will go to landfill as glass shards stick to paper and cardboard and cannot be processed.

The recycling facility where all other recycling material is currently being sent to, is also not set up for glass handling.

'While we appreciate what are no doubt everyone's good recycling intentions and habits, please do not put these items in your recycling bin. Sadly, it undoes all the hard work we're doing to reduce our landfill levels.

'During this period we encourage you to store your glass if you can, or you can take it to one of our recycling centres, or as a last resort place it in the red lid rubbish bin.”

Yellow lid recycling bins with glass inside will not be emptied by our Kerbside Collective drivers and will be left on the kerb (they can hear glass rattling in the bin when picked up by the hydraulic arm).

This precautionary measure will ensure that we limit contamination and recover as much of our recycling as possible.

'We apologise for the disruption this is causing. We're working hard to bring both the glass crate and food scraps back online as soon as possible,” says Gary.

If you wish to drop your glass off at one of our recycling centres here are the opening times:

  • Athenree: Saturday (9am-12noon), Sunday (9am-4pm)
  • Katikati: Thursday (9am-4pm), Saturday (1-4pm)
  • Te Puke: Tuesday (8am-5pm), Thursday (8am-5pm), Saturday (8am-4pm)

1 comment

So who pays?

Posted on 18-03-2022 11:39 | By TheCameltoeKid

So now we have to effectively pay twice to get rid of our glass. Once in our Rates a0nd and again in the cost of using our car to take it to a recycling centre. Will the Council give us a rebate on our rates? I think not. When I rang the Council I was told to take them to the centre or put them in my landfill bin. The Council should've had a contingency plan for this. And as for the size of that pathetic little blue bin they gave us 0nly to have it emptied once a fortnight proves that somebody hasn't thought this through.

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