Helping create Te Puke‘s first dog park

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Ramps, tunnels, or wash down areas?

The Western Bay of Plenty District Council would like to know what dog owners think would be pawsome to have in Te Puke's first dog park.

From 10am today, Saturday March 26 at Lawrence Oliver Park in Te Puke, people can come along to give their ideas and feedback on what activities they'd like to see featured at the park.

Western Bay Council has drafted up a plan based on ideas already shared by the public for the new dog exercise area at Lawrence Oliver Park and are keen to hear the community's thoughts on the plan.

People are invited to 'join the pack' at the community event - right after the Wander Walks along the Te Ara Kahikatea Pathway - and get:

  • a tour of the site with the proposed separate ‘high-energy' and ‘chill' zones maps of the proposed plan
  • free doggy treat bags
  • a chance to chat with Council staff about the plans.

"Te Puke will be the first of four dog exercise areas in our main urban centres, that are proposed over the next four years as part of Council's Long Term Plan," says a Western Bay of Plenty District Council spokesperson.

"Draft concept plans, like the one we have developed for Lawrence Oliver Park in Te Puke, will be developed for sites in Katikati, Ōmokoroa and Waihī Beach in the future. These dog exercise areas will all be within urban centres."

Can't make it but want to have your say? No worries, go to and you'll be able to view and comment on an interactive plan of the site.

For more information on the Wander Dogs Summer Series, head to


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