The Royal New Zealand Air Force, Te Tauaarangi o Aotearoa, celebrates its 85th birthday today.
On April 1, 1937, the Air Force Act took effect, formally recognising air power as a critical element of the country's security. In the years since then, the Air Force has served in military operations from World War 2 and other significant conflicts through to peacekeeping missions all over the world.
Air Force personnel have been part of almost every New Zealand Defence Force deployment, and other operations, including the delivery of humanitarian aid and providing support to the work of other Government agencies, such as fisheries patrols and support to Antarctica.
The Chief of Air Force, Air Vice-Marshal Andrew Clark, says the diversity of operations has been enormous.
'We never know what will crop up next, and that has been defining for us – continuously maintaining and honing our skills, to make us a team that can turn its hand and technology to meet whatever challenge we are called upon to face.
'The RNZAF story has become interwoven with the story of New Zealand itself. Thousands of Kiwis have served with us over the years. Many of our personnel today are related to people who served before them, and thousands more Kiwis have relatives and friends who served, making the Air Force part of their own life story.
'On this occasion, those of us serving in today's Air Force, and who are building the Air Force of tomorrow, especially honour all those who have served before us and who made the Air Force what it is today: a Service that all New Zealanders can be proud of.”
T6-C Texans from the RNZAF Central Flying School conduct formation flying.
Posted on 02-04-2022 07:07 | By Slim Shady
What a great sight. I love seeing the RNZAF displaying it’s firepower with those old prop planes. We should be loaning them to Ukraine so they can shoot down the Russian barrage balloons.
Posted on 02-04-2022 07:12 | By Slim Shady
With those Chengdu J20s soon to be in striking distance it should make for an interesting confrontation. It’s like bringing chopsticks to a knife fight. You never know, our planes are so slow the Chinese radar operator might mistake them for a flock of birds.
Posted on 02-04-2022 18:37 | By Slim Shady
Well this story disappeared quickly. I like seeing these little Texan prop planes. Do t be embarrassed by the RNZAF sorry excuse for hardware. Thankfully we can cower behind Australia when the Chinese come calling.
@Slim Shady
Posted on 05-04-2022 16:20 | By morepork
Neither the Chinese nor any other invader would need to come calling here. They'd simply take Oz, then ring up and tell us to surrender...
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