4:42:38 Thursday 27 March 2025

New Conservative announces Tauranga candidate

New Conservative co-leader Helen Houghton. Supplied photo.

Following consultation with its members in Tauranga, the New Conservative Party has decided it will stand a candidate in the Tauranga by-election.

Party co-leader Helen Houghton has been chosen as the candidate to represent the party in this year's by-election.

While Houghton currently lives in Christchurch, she will be moving to Tauranga for the duration of the campaign.

Her passions includes education, freedom and family, and she has a broad understanding of current issues, says a statement from the New Conservative Party.

'I believe New Conservative is the consistent, conservative choice for Tauranga,” says Houghton.

'We are not distracted by the whims of a few that have caused other parties to lose their true identity. We stand for family, freedom, and facts over feelings - feelings change but facts do not.

'I am a realist and straight talker which is needed in an increasingly misguided/misled society, and the people want stability. Airy-fairy policies and schoolyard behaviour politics won't cut it anymore.”

Houghton will join ACT's Cameron Luxton, Labour's Jan Tinetti, Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party's Christoper Coker, The NZ Outdoors & Freedom Party's Sue Grey, Tauranga City Councillor Andrew Hollis and past by-election candidate Peter Wakeman in running for the vacant MP seat.

The National Party is yet to select a candidate, but former deputy mayor Kelvin Clout is putting his name forward as a possible candidate.

The city's MP by-election will be in mid-June.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says the by-election will be held on Saturday, June 18, with Writ Day Wednesday, May 11.

'The deadline for candidate nominations to be received will be midday Tuesday, May 17, and the last day for the return of the Writ will be Sunday, July 10,” says the Prime Minister.



Posted on 12-04-2022 12:49 | By Yadick

Doesn't live any where near here so doesn't know the place and it's needs. Seems to be just full of fancy phrases. Our selection of candidates and wannabes is not looking good at all.


Posted on 12-04-2022 15:20 | By Slim Shady

Quite right Yadick. Not surprising though when 25% of Kiwis are illiterate and half of kids skip school most days. The candidates and parties are a fair reflection of NZ.

There is an old saying...

Posted on 13-04-2022 15:22 | By morepork

"In a Democracy, people may not get the candidate they want, but they invariably get the candidate they deserve." We do not seem to have the depth of selection we would want and Party Politics is partly responsible for this. Tauranga deserves much better than it is currently being offered, (both nationally and locally) and I simply can't believe we don't have people with the necessary qualities. Why are they not stepping forward? Maybe the system is self-defeating... The people we need are already busy with successful families and businesses; can you blame them for not entering an arena that has been seen to be fraught with schoolyard behavior and childishness? True service to the public is pretty hard and usually thankless but it is also a great experience and chance for personal growth. I hope someone truly suitable is thinking about it...

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