0:22:59 Thursday 27 March 2025

Winston Peters trespassed from Parliament

Winston Peters attended the protest at Parliament. Photo: David White/Stuff.

Former deputy prime minister Winston Peters says he has been trespassed from Parliament for two years after attending the occupation of Parliament by the anti-vaccine and anti-mandate protest.

Peters attended the protest weeks after Parliament had issued a trespass notice to the protesters, saying they could no longer occupy the lawn of Parliament as they had erected tents and were blocking off roads.

Former National MP Matt King has also been sent a letter trespassing him from Parliament grounds.

In a statement, Peters said the move was outrageous.

Peters blamed Speaker Trevor Mallard for the move.

Mallard told Stuff on Monday night the decisions about trespass were being made by Parliamentary security, not him.

'This dictatorial behaviour by Mallard, supported by Labour, should be reserved for third world banana republics,” says Peters.

'What's more astounding is that the Speaker of the House of Representatives in our country could possibly attempt to trespass former Members of Parliament – of whom some are leaders of political parties planning to run against the sitting government in around eighteen months' time.”

Winston Peters attended the protest at Parliament. Photo: David White/Stuff.

Peters says there was a difference between the protesters who were there peacefully and those who engaged in violence at the end of the protest – when tents were lit alight and rocks thrown at police.

He questioned whether the reporters who followed him into the protest were also being trespassed.

'New Zealanders should not put up with this type of totalitarian behaviour from the Speaker - nor should the Prime Minister or Parliament,” says Peters.

He says he was seeking legal advice on the decision.

'It is because of this that I have taken legal advice and will continue to do so. Speaker Mallard has lost the plot and will continue to do so if he thinks he can enforce his unreasonable and unlawful decision.'

King told Stuff that he felt a 'lot better” knowing Peters had been trespassed too.

"They probably had to, they couldn't single me out and not him," says King.

"I feel a hell of a lot better now...It wouldn't stand up in court."

Asked about the trespass notices on Tuesday morning, both Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and National leader Christopher Luxon said they would not comment as it was a matter for the Speaker.

Parliamentary Services has been asked for comment.

Henry Cooke/Stuff


Wonderful Stuff!

Posted on 03-05-2022 15:14 | By Bruja

They couldn't have handed Winston a better piece of pre-election news if they tried. This will play into his hands enormously!!

Labour gone TOO FAR

Posted on 03-05-2022 15:18 | By an_alias

This is appalling to say the least. Do we now live in a country run by dictators ? Do we have free speech anymore...

Mallard needs to go

Posted on 03-05-2022 15:22 | By an_alias

This man has lost his mind and dreams of being a dictator maybe. Labour and National should be ashamed.


Posted on 03-05-2022 16:04 | By Slim Shady

Another attack on democracy. It's the sort of thing you see in Russia and China. As far as I know Winston attended for a few hours to talk to protesters and Police. This is a disgrace and how Luxon can sit back and say nothing is beyond me. Seymour is the only person who stands up for democracy. So I expect he will disappear some time soon. Last seen being bungled into a van by men in black suits.

Happy Days Winston

Posted on 04-05-2022 10:17 | By Yadick

Go get them :-) Bruja is 100% right. Good stuff.

Hell yes!

Posted on 04-05-2022 10:56 | By Shadow1

Good to see people supporting Winston, he’s done such a lot for NZ. As Deputy Prime Minister in the coalition government he stopped Labour going crazy with stupid ideas for a few years. Look at what they are doing now! Shadow1

He's right.

Posted on 04-05-2022 13:05 | By morepork

Of course. “New Zealanders should not put up with this type of totalitarian behaviour from the Speaker - nor should the Prime Minister or Parliament,” says Peters. And yet we have no recourse. There is no appeal, you do what the Boss says. I don't condone the violence, but I can easily understand how many Kiwis are so outraged by the repression of their liberty and the Draconian measures taken to stifle dissent, that violence broke out. Personally, I'm past being angry about it; I'm just heartbroken over it. The sooner we change this Government and get our Democracy back, the better it will be for all of us. Encouraging to see the polls reflecting the general awakening of a usually apathetic population. Good to know that when the chips are down and we could lose our way of life, people DO actually care and they WILL vote.

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