Tauranga serious assault: Youth charged with GBH

Police say the alleged assault took place near the Farm Street bus interchange by Bayfair. Image: Google Maps.

A youth has been arrested following the alleged serious assault of a Bayfair Shopping Centre employee.

Police were called to reports of an assault at the shopping centre on Saturday.

Tauranga area response manager Senior Sergeant Nick Lewer says the man was going for a walk during his break when he was allegedly assaulted by a group of youths near the Farm Street bus interchange just before 3pm.

Following an investigation into the matter, police have arrested and charged a youth with wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.

He is due to appear in the Tauranga Youth Court today.

Police say the victim continues to recover at home after sustaining a significant injury to one of his eyes.

Police are aware there has been an increase in incidents relating to young people congregating in the vicinity of Bayfair Shopping Centre.

'In response we have increased our presence in this area, and we continue to work with both the shopping centre and local and regional authorities to address these ongoing issues," says Senior Sergeant Lewer.

Anyone with information in relation to Saturday's serious assault is asked to contact Police via 105 and quote file number 220514/2327.

Information can also be provided anonymously through Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.


Youth punishment

Posted on 17-05-2022 12:43 | By CliftonGuy

Too many wayward youths have the physical stature and strength of an adult, but plea their age in front of court. Usually, they get treated softly, just to offend again later. Sending to prison has little if any effect, and it has no effect on those who should have been raising them better. I would suggest an unusual punishment that should show how others are severely inconvenienced by their actions. And that is to bind both their hands in plaster for a few weeks. This means that their friends and family will have to care for them - feed them, clothe them, bathe them and assist them going to the toilet. It causes no harm, but will give time for reflection, and hopefully will prevent a repeat performance.


Posted on 17-05-2022 14:02 | By terry hall

youth court no,no adult court, no home detention community service 3 years keep him busy.

Youth crime

Posted on 17-05-2022 15:20 | By jed

In general, youth know they won't receive serious punishment for crime. For youth destined for a life of crime, their age is the golden ticket to steal as much as they can before they come of age.

@ CliftonGuy

Posted on 18-05-2022 08:59 | By Yadick

Hahaha, brilliant idea. I love it. Well said.

@Clifton Guy

Posted on 18-05-2022 13:36 | By morepork

While I salute your imagination and innovation, it seems to be impractical. (And they or their friends will simply remove the plaster, then replace it for Court appearances...) However, I am a firm believer in letting the punishment fit the crime and there definitely has to be some element of time for reflection in the current spate of youth crimes. Properly monitored victim assistance by the culprit and or community service are steps in the right direction. It seems obvious that parents AND kids need to be involved. But the whole situation is complex enough that there is unlikely to be a glib, easy solution. (Maybe stocks, or public whipping, but there is no evidence that youth crime was any less when those options were available...). The times are a' changin' and behaviors and Laws are yet to catch up with it.

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