23:36:31 Friday 28 February 2025

More than 7000 new Covid community cases today

The Ministry is also reporting the deaths of 19 people with Covid. Photo: Ministry of Health.

Today, the Ministry of Health is reporting 7423 community cases and 411 current hospitalisations.

The seven-day rolling average of community case numbers today is 6114.

"We are sadly reporting the deaths of 19 people with Covid-19," says a spokesperson for the Ministry.

"All these deaths occurred in the past seven days."

COVID-19 Hospitalisations

  • COVID-19 Cases in hospital: total number 411: Northland: 4; Waitematā: 88; Counties Manukau: 38; Auckland: 58; Waikato: 30; Bay of Plenty: 9; Lakes: 19; Tairāwhiti: 1; Hawke's Bay: 11; Taranaki: 10; Whanganui: 2; MidCentral: 19; Wairarapa: 6; Hutt Valley: 13; Capital and Coast: 27; Nelson Marlborough: 13; Canterbury: 35; South Canterbury: 2; West Coast: 2; Southern: 24.
  • Weekly COVID-19 Hospitalisations - 7 day rolling average: 363. (This time last week: 353)
  • Average age of current COVID-19 hospitalisations: 63
  • Cases in ICU or HDU: 6
  • *Vaccination status of new admissions to hospital: Unvaccinated or not eligible (49 cases); partially immunised

COVID-19 Vaccinations administered

  • Vaccines administered to date: 4,028,485 first doses; 3,981,242 second doses; 33,060 third primary doses; 2,694,327 booster doses: 264,177 paediatric first doses and 133,479 paediatric second doses.
  • Vaccines administered yesterday: 32 first doses; 214 second doses; 41 third primary doses; 6,770 booster doses; 34 paediatric first doses and 319 paediatric second doses.
  • More detailed information, including vaccine uptake by DHB area, is available on the Ministry website.


  • Number of PCR tests total (last 24 hours): 3,692
  • Number of Rapid Antigen Tests reported total (last 24 hours): 13,404
  • PCR tests rolling average (last 7 days): 2,995
  • Number of Rapid Antigen Tests dispatched (last seven days as of 29 June 2022): 100,000. Today's number is not available.

Winter illness update

(This update is provided each Thursday)

  • Of the 68 people in Auckland and Counties Manukau hospitals for SARI illnesses (severe acute respiratory infection) COVID-19 was the cause the infection in 12.7% and Influenza was the cause in 68.4%.
  • Other causes of infection were rhinoviruses and enteroviruses (15%).
  • The current rate of hospitalisations in Auckland and Counties Manukau is in line with rates seen in recent years.

COVID-19 Cases

  • Total number of new community cases: 7,423
  • Number of new cases that have recently travelled overseas: 206
  • Seven day rolling average of community cases: 6,114
  • Seven day rolling average of community cases (as at same day last week): 4,817
  • Number of active cases (total): 42,782 (cases identified in the past seven days and not yet classified as recovered)
  • Confirmed cases (total): 1,331,157
  • New cases by DHB and other more detailed case information

Please note, the Ministry of Health's daily reported cases may differ slightly from those reported at a DHB or local public health unit level. This is because of different reporting cut off times and the assignment of cases between regions, for example when a case is tested outside their usual region of residence. Total numbers will always be the formal daily case tally as reported to the WHO.

COVID-19 Deaths

  • Today's reported deaths take the total number of publicly reported deaths with COVID-19 to 1,522 and the seven-day rolling average of reported deaths is 13.
  • Of the people whose deaths we are reporting today; two were from Northland, three were from the Auckland region, three were from Waikato; one was from Bay of Plenty; one was from Hawke's Bay; two were from the Wellington region; one was from Nelson-Marlborough; four were from Canterbury; and two were from Southern.
  • Two people were in their 50s; three were in their 60s; one was in their 70s; six were in their 80s; and seven were aged over 90. Of these people, 11 were women and eight were men.
  • This is a very sad time for whānau and friends and our thoughts and condolences are with them. Out of respect, we will be making no further comment on these deaths.

1 comment

vaccinations and admissions

Posted on 30-06-2022 15:39 | By wtf

So if I am reading and understanding this correctly the vaccination status of the new admissions in to hospital was the more jabs you get the more chance of being admitted into hospital.

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