Tauranga doctors: ‘Tolerance down, demand up‘

Photo: File/SunLive.

Tauranga doctors are facing increasing pressure with the second wave of Covid-19 sweeping across the country.

Green Cross Health regional clinical manager Wendy Dillon says that they are seeing ‘double' the number of respiratory patients that would normally be seen in a typical winter, made up of normal coughs and colds, Covid-19 and flu presentations.

'There's lots of pressure on our teams right now. We are a high-risk area, Wearing a mask is proven to cut down the risk of respiratory virus transmission. We know it's not nice, but it is just something you have to do in order to slow the spread, and to protect our staff who are here to continue caring for many other patients.

'Whether it's Covid-19, the flu, or a normal cough or cold, they are essentially respiratory viruses and in most cases people who take the right steps in self-care can manage at home. It's all about resting, eating well, and looking after yourself with basic supplies like water, paracetamol and a decongestant. All these cold remedies are available over the counter.

'Viruses do take 5-7 days to run their course and during that time people can feel quite unwell and yes there can be a very annoying cough. We do have a lot of people asking for antibiotics, but these don't work on a virus they are for bacterial infections.

'Most general practices like ours have got respiratory clinics available for patients to get an appointment in. If you are unwell and you're not getting better, then please seek an appointment at one of these clinics.

'With double the demand our telephone lines are overloaded. This is common issue for most clinics locally and around the rest of the country. We do have patient portals that we prefer people book through which is usually faster and easier than trying to phone us.

'We encourage people to report their positive RAT results because the Ministry of Health do provide really good support and check-ins for patients while they isolate at home.

Wendy also adds that although clinicians see the Covid-19 response changes announced yesterday as positive, there is a feeling among teams of ‘just getting on with it.'

'We just adapt and move with whatever the Government is saying at the time. We will always figure out the best way to apply changes to guidelines to make sure we can continue caring for our patients in the safest way possible for everyone.”

Co-owner of Te Puna Pharmacy Ollie Rew says that the key to loosening the pressure on the health system is to be prepared.

'We would like people to have paracetamol and ibuprofen ready at home. That covers the fevers and sore throats. Throat lozenges and nasal sprays are really good for helping any congestion as well.

Ollie also recommends taking Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Zinc, as they 'are all great immunity boosters to take.”

'People can stop by and purchase all of these without a prescription.

'Lastly, the two biggest things would be to wear your mask over your nose, and getting vaccinated.

Ollie says that it is speculated the Covid-19 case numbers are only ‘about 50 per cent' of what the actual case numbers are, due to people ‘not testing and not reporting.'

He adds that although the Government's move to offer free rapid antigen tests to everyone is a positive, there is some ‘lingering frustration' regarding the Ministry of Health's communication with pharmacies.

'We were told that we needed to prepare and order the rapid antigen tests, and a week later the Ministry of Health turned around and started giving them away for free.

'But in saying that, we want people testing. The Government opening up the free rapid antigen tests for everyone will give us a much better idea of where we're at with Covid-19.

'We're seeing about double to triple the collection of the rapid antigens compared to what we would usually.”

1 comment


Posted on 16-07-2022 11:02 | By Sycamore2

Some older people tend to wear the mask under their nose, not that annoying for a short period in the supermarket! I was in the emergency dept. late one night and 2 ladies were spaced a seat apart, but one would lean close to the other to talk and always lowered her mask when speaking. Lastly the govt. was wrong to say you don't have to show an exemption to not wear a mask, we could all do that if so inclined.

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