New health shuttle service

Tauranga residents can now be driven to any health-related appointments with a new health shuttle service starting this month.

Red Cross Transport Services new health shuttle

The New Zealand Red Cross Transport Service will be available from tomorrow after the official launch last week.

The shuttle will be available for pick-up and drop-off services from inside Tauranga, Mount Maunganui and Papamoa boundaries to any appointments at Tauranga and Grace Hospital.

Red Cross service centre co-ordinator Jan Pryce says the aim is to provide a solution for people who have no other means of attending health-related appointments.

'We're doing it because there is a need in the community, ideally to complement other services that are already operating.”

Jan says pre-bookings for shuttle transport are essential.

'We need at least a few days' notice.”

The Red Cross Transport Service will complement the St John health shuttle that transports residents who live alone and can no longer drive to health-related appointments.

The Red Cross shuttle will also operate as a free community service, however a donation is appreciated to cover costs.

The Kia people-mover vehicle purchased by Red Cross for the service will be driven by Red Cross volunteer drivers, accompanied by an assistant on most runs.

There is no wheelchair hoist or access onto the shuttle.

A pick-up can be arranged by phoning the Red Cross Western Bay Service centre, 07 578 6987.


Great services

Posted on 13-08-2012 13:10 | By Garret

A very big THANK YOU to the Red Cross. What a wonderful service they offer. They are truly the shining example of "treating your fellowman as you would wish to be treated". I wish them all the best with the new service and may their coffers always be full.

Well Done Red Cross

Posted on 13-08-2012 18:09 | By MINDER

A very good initiative but it shouldn't be foisted on to Red Cross and could be achieved by bus services travelling past the institutions in question- it is called pre planning.

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