New BOP property and business scholarship

UTF Chairman Scott Adams.

Tauranga property and business industry advocates, Urban Task Force for Tauranga are announcing the establishment of a Leader Development Scholarship to encourage, support and retain skilled young businesspeople in the Bay of Plenty region.

The new scholarship will offer the successful applicant with a seat on the UTF Board, a career mentor in their chosen field and a financial contribution towards further study.

UTF Chairman Scott Adams says the growth of people is key to the growth of the city.

'Tauranga has been through a lengthy period of stagnation and poor decision-making, but we've turned a corner in the last year and the city's future looks so much brighter. UTF strongly believe that continued progress lies in attracting young talent to leadership roles across both business and local government.

'We recognise that in promoting and celebrating young leaders, we have the opportunity to not only grow their skillset, but to encourage them to engage with the city in a more profound way; to be truly invested in the future of Tauranga and to remain in the region long-term.”

The combination of the region's soaring house prices, reopened borders and post-Covid increases in the cost of living throughout the country is expected to drive young talent to Australia and beyond over the coming years.

'Retaining high quality young talent has always been a challenge in Tauranga. We hope that the combination of initiatives such as this scholarship and the change in culture within local government, young workers can see a positive future here and want to be a part of it,” says Adams.

Applications for the UTF Leader Development Scholarship are now open to candidates based in the Bay of Plenty who have performed highly in their career so far and who are interested in pursuing a path to higher qualifications and increased management responsibility.

'We encourage the Bay of Plenty community to identify applicants, either colleagues or peers, who they see as rising leaders within our property and business community, and who they could encourage to complete the application process.

'Dynamic leaders are pivotal to the development of the city and this scholarship is an opportunity for UTF to share knowledge, grow networks and give back to our wider community.”

A seat on the UTF Board offers the unique chance for a young candidate to develop leadership, insight, and business acumen, while they will also be provided one-on-one guidance from a mentor who is an industry leader and UTF member with significant experience in the candidate's chosen field.

The scholarship recipient will also be offered a financial contribution from the UTF towards further study or qualifications as appropriate.

Application forms are available now from UTF, completed forms must be received by October 7 and the successful applicant will be announced at the UTF Annual General Meeting on November 30.

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