Gun injuries and deaths occurring at record rate

A revolver and sawn-off shotgun were found and seized by police during a search in Flat Bush, Auckland on August 25, 2022. Photo: Supplied / Police.

Rates of injury and death caused by firearms are tracking higher than ever before.

Data released by police under the Official Information Act shows 10 murder or manslaughter deaths in 2022, up until July 31. There were 11 in total in 2021.

Injuries are also running at a record rate, on track to exceed 300 firearm-related injuries for the first time.

In 2021, there were 298 gun-related injuries recorded by police, the highest ever.

That was despite a year on year drop in the number of firearms-related crimes police have had to deal with.

In 2021, police dealt with 3683 firearms-related offences, down seven per cent on the previous year. Up until July 31, those figures are tracking one per cent lower again.

It shows a growing willingness of people to use their guns against other people.

The problem is particularly big in Auckland.

Over the past 12 months, police have attended four per cent more jobs where guns are involved than the previous 12 months, and there was a 74 per cent increase in injuries.

If you compare the past 12 months to a decade earlier, there was a 53 per cent increase in gun crime, and a 327 percent increase in injuries caused by guns.

Auckland City councillor Alf Filipaina says he's not surprised by the figures; they backed up the feeling of the community.

He says the rise in gun crime has coincided with Australia's policy of deporting 501s to New Zealand, and the rise of new gangs such as the Comancheros.

In the past year, growing tensions between the Killer Beez and the Tribesmen have also seen a large number of shootings.

Filipaina says that has now eased, thanks to efforts of community leaders.

"The truce they've come to seems to have put the issues around Tāmaki and towards Northland to bed," he says.

"I wasn't involved, but some of our community leaders met with the gangs and made it clear to them that this wasn't good for our community, for our people.

"They're a part of our community, they did need to be reminded of that, and they seem to have listened."

Asked about people being more willing to use their firearms than before, Filipaina says it's something he worries about.

"That was the trend I was seeing on the streets," he says. "Not only are they more likely to be carrying, but they seem pretty happy to use them."

A shooting in Christchurch on August 30, 2022, left one man with serious injuries, and sparked a manhunt for the culprit.

Data shows it came as firearms crime has been dropping in the Canterbury region, with a five per cent drop in overall crimes, and a 23 per cent drop in injuries, over the past 12 months.

The data does not take into account the March 15 terror attack in 2019, which is counted separately.

Auckland and the Central police region are the only parts of the country where gun crime has increased in the past 12 months, but injury rates have increased in five districts.

Next to Auckland, Southern (42 per cent), Central (34 per cent), Eastern (20 per cent) and Wellington (19 per cent) have all seen increases in injuries compared with the previous year.

-RNZ/Ben Strang.


This Cannot Be Right.

Posted on 02-09-2022 21:09 | By Yadick

This cannot possibly be right. Labour, Jacinda, took care of all this with gun reforms. Surely all the gangs took the opportunity to do the right thing. Surely it wasn't just the honest, law-abiding firearm holders that did the right thing. I'm shocked . . . With the pathetic sentences and consequences handed out by the courts what the heck do they expect.


Posted on 03-09-2022 00:50 | By The Truth Is Out There

How can that be? Jacindas' gun rules. Made it impossible, for foul play. I guess. Another. Nothing, from Labour...

Way to go

Posted on 03-09-2022 00:58 | By Centurion

Take the guns off the lawful responsible owners, leave them in the hands of gang members and others with no respect for anything, and guess what? Gun crimes increase. Duh.

And the real question is

Posted on 03-09-2022 01:03 | By The Caveman

Did not the gangs hand in all their "illegal" guns during the Gments amnesty a couple of years ago??? Because I don’t think that the REAL LEGIAL gun owners are involved in the drive by shootings all around New Zealand !!


Posted on 03-09-2022 08:20 | By Helo1

Just reinforces the incompetence of the current government!

501 comes home to roost.

Posted on 03-09-2022 13:29 | By morepork

You can't blame Oz for evicting these dangerous criminals. What we CAN do is make sure that they don't find the traction in our communities that they did with the mafia style crime in Oz. If gang members are allowed to own guns, don't be surprised if they use them. To a man with a hammer, everything is a nail... We should immediately ramp up penalties connected with criminal use of firearms, with mandatory jail sentences. 1. Present a gun and threaten=2 years; fire it=3 years; wound somebody=5 years. All of these are MINIMUM, depending on circumstances... We need to show zero tolerance for firearm related offences. It's not OK to just say: "They're gangs, let them kill each other..." Innocent people can be hurt and even if they are not, we still need to stop illegal gun use.

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