Mother‘s plea for help to find daughter’s attacker

The incident happened early in August. Photo: Google Maps.

A Tauranga mother is speaking out about what she calls an eerily similar experience between what happened to her daughter and a woman who was assaulted on Devonport Road.

Recently, police reached out to members of the public after a woman was indecently assaulted while walking along Devonport Road, just north of 9th Ave.

Police say the incident happened around 5.30pm on August 27.

The mother of another girl contacted SunLive after reading the police's appeal.

She says the man described by police from recent assault, fits the description of a man who assaulted her daughter on Tuesday, August 2.

'My daughter was coming out of Pak'N'Save on Cameron Road, at about 6pm and was assaulted,” says the woman who wishes to remain anonymous.

'She was walking towards her car out the back along Norris Street, and a man was walking towards her, stopped, closed his fists, and hit her so hard she fell, as if he was trying to knock her out.

'He was mid-20s, brown skin, and wearing dark clothing including a black hoodie and mask.

'She got a black eye and everything. She ran, was screaming and he was running after her. She ran back into Pak'N'Save and called the police.

'It was about 20 minutes later when they got there. It felt like they weren't even bothered by it.

'They said it could have been a mental health case because ‘people usually grab the victim first' and I said ‘I don't care what it was, we just want you to find him.'

'The police said if they can't find him now, they may not be able to catch them.

'It's disheartening because this new assault took place in the same area and around the same time.”

The Tauranga mother says the latest incident happened at 5.30pm, and her daughter's assault on Norris Street took place at about 6.10pm.

'She's paranoid and scared now after the incident. She is only 18 years old and little. She is afraid someone might be watching her.

'When I saw the SunLive article on the Devonport Road assault I thought ‘this has got to be the same guy.'

'My daughter said it was ‘a bit too dark' to see the rose tattoo mentioned by the police,” says the mother.

The Devonport Road assault shared similarities according to the mother, and occurred one street over north of 9th Avenue. Photo: Google Maps.

'I want this to get resolved. These incidents weren't at 10pm at night, it can happen any time. People would assume it would be safe in the area during that time. The investigation kind of went nowhere.

'It might not have happened if they were able to find him.”

SunLive approached police for comment on the Norris Street investigation.

A police spokesperson confirmed that police had been called to the Norris Street assault.

'The police investigation into an assault outside a business premises on August 2 has been closed,” says a police spokesperson.

'At this stage police have exhausted all lines of enquiry available.

'If any members of the public have information relating to the incident, we urge them to contact Police via our 105 phone service or online at , using ‘Update My Report'.”

People with information about the August 2 assault are asked to reference file number 220804/4269.

People calling about the August 27 assault are asked to quote the file number 220827/9368.


Police are not helpful

Posted on 07-09-2022 08:23 | By John.Smith

Happened to my daughter on the corner of Cameron and eighth ave, there were cameras and a witness. Reported it and a couple of days later the officer told her there was nothing he could do and closed the case.

Response time is too slow

Posted on 08-09-2022 07:16 | By oceans

The police response time getting to these incidences is nothing short of pathetic. There are no where near enough police on the New Zealand roads. I have always maintained that the police should be split between Road and other. They used to be split years ago but the Government decided to combine both. Probably to save money. That, as far as I can see hasn't worked well. As far as people being assaulted, the culprit needs to be caught and soon because it could lead to something far more serious

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