Operation Cobalt: Police target Mongols gang

Police located a MSSA style firearm in a vehicle on Shore Road, Remuera. Photos: NZ Police.

Police continue to target unlawful behaviour by members and associates of the Mongols Motorcycle Club under Operation Cobalt.

This month, police have recovered several firearms, ammunition, and other gang paraphernalia in Remuera as part of enforcement action targeting the gang.

This comes as senior members of the gang are on trial this week following a covert surveillance operation.

Police arrested the entire senior hierarchy of the gang in June 2020.

At the time the police said a gang war was brewing in the Bay of Plenty region, with numerous groups battling for the lion's share of the drug market here.

In a statement released by police today, Detective Inspector Aaron Proctor says police carried out a search on a vehicle of interest parked on Shore Road last week.

'Police spoke with the occupant and a search of the vehicle was carried out which located a MSSA style firearm along with ammunition.”

A 21-year-old man, who is a patched member of the Mongols, has been charged over the find.

He is now before the Auckland District Court on charges of unlawful possession of a restricted weapon and unlawful possession of ammunition.

Following further enquiries, Operation Cobalt subsequently terminated a search warrant at a nearby address on Shore Road with the assistance of the Armed Offenders Squad.

'Our enquiries have been focused on members and associates of the Mongols gang,” says Detective Inspector Proctor.

'At the Remuera property Police located a number of illegal items of interest which have now been seized.”

Firearms and ammunition located at a Remuera property.

Police located an AR-15 firearm, a rifle, and a shotgun, along with various quantities of ammunition.

Gang paraphernalia from a variety of gangs was located at the property, including patches from the Mongols, Comancheros and Bandidos.

A 31-year-old man, who is an associate of the Mongols, has been charged with a raft of serious firearms charges.

Those charges include possession of a prohibited firearm, two counts of unlawfully possession of a firearm and unlawful possession of a restricted magazine.

Another man and a woman were also arrested at the address for unrelated matters and are also before the Court.

'This is a fantastic result for Police and the community we are trying to keep safe through our ongoing disruption being directed at the Mongols,” says Detective Inspector Proctor.

'Police are continuing to take an all-of-Police approach to disrupting unlawful behaviour being committed by gangs. This termination was the result of work by dedicated Operation Cobalt staff, being supported by other Police staff from other work groups across Tāmaki Makaurau.

'The public can expect Police will continue to hold gangs to account for offending we are identifying through our disruption and suppression activity under Operation Cobalt.”



Posted on 07-09-2022 15:47 | By Merlin

Nearly every week the Police are arresting and seizing assets from gangs. Not nearly enough kudos is given to their work especially from some Politicians.

Raft of charges?!

Posted on 07-09-2022 17:35 | By Lyrch

And all to be served concurrently, what a joke the NZ justice system is…

Gang solution

Posted on 07-09-2022 18:29 | By k Smith

All gang members like guns and violence, let's give them the guns they like ship them off to Ukraine to fight the Russians, let's see how tuff they are then, or will they run like the cowards they are.

@ Merlin + Lyrch

Posted on 07-09-2022 22:29 | By Yadick

Hear, hear. You both make very good and pertinent comments. Our Police are doing a great job but the courts just are not consistent and the evidence is sentences like 9 months home detention for rape and unlawful sexual connection. Same sort of case and others get 11, 12, 13, 14 years. Murder someone drink driving and get a few years, sell drugs that destroy families and others and a few years. PATHETIC 'justice'. Great work though from our Police.

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