Tauranga prosecutor explains Meyer sentencing

Meyer was sentenced in Tauranga District Court in July this year.

Tauranga's top prosecutor is explaining why the Crown didn't oppose home detention when to the sentencing of Jayden Meyer.

Hundreds of people gathered at Mount Drury on Thursday as part of a peaceful protest again the home detention sentence Meyer received.

Jayden Meyer, now 18, was sentenced to nine months home detention in July after being convicted for rape and sexual violation of five teenage girls, who were 15 at the time of the assaults.

The conviction came after he was charged after multiple police complaints by young women in Bay of Plenty who alleged sexual violence across 2020 and 2021.

In a statement released following Thursday's protest, Crown prosecutor Anna Pollett explained the sentencing.

She says Meyer was prosecuted by the Crown Solicitor in the Youth Court at Tauranga between February 8 and February 15 this year.

'During a judge-alone trial, the five victims gave evidence and show their courage and bravery in doing so,” says Anna.

'As a result, Jayden Meyer was convicted of 10 sexual offences including sexual violation by rape, sexual violation by unlawful sexual connection and indecent assault.”

Anna says every prosecution turns on the specific facts and particularly, when a young person has had charges proved against them.

'In the present case when the charges were proved, the Crown applied to transfer the young person from the Youth Court to the District Court to be convicted and for sentencing.

'This was so there was a greater range of sentencing options which would provide for longer rehabilitative measures to be imposed.

'The purpose of a rehabilitative approach is to protect the community in the long-term from re-offending. Rehabilitative sentences are seen to be particularly effective in changing the behaviour of young people.”

Anna says in the circumstances of this prosecution, and in careful consideration of all the
available material, the Crown did not oppose a sentence of home detention to balance the need for accountability and deterrence while also maximising the opportunity for intensive rehabilitation of the young person.

'The sentence includes numerous conditions to ensure compliance and engagement with the rehabilitation programme. It also includes post-detention conditions.

'In addition, the Crown sought and the Court imposed judicial monitoring which adds a further layer of scrutiny to ensure compliance with the sentence.”



Posted on 09-09-2022 08:24 | By Equality

No doubt the 'criminal' will reap his just deserts from members of the public!

This decision is garbage

Posted on 09-09-2022 08:25 | By The Sage

This creep raped and sexually violated five young girls, that we know about. For this he deserves to be totally locked away. The reason for not locking him away to protect society in the future is absolute garbage. What sort of message does this send out to others committing similar crimes? That they can go around raping people without being banged up. I wonder if the crown prosecutor or Judge had a daughter this had happened to would the outcome have been the same? I think not. No mention of any support for the victims who have had life changing circumstances for them and their families. They were very brave to bare their lives and for what? The law is an ass.

Wrong decision

Posted on 09-09-2022 08:33 | By jed

Labour is soft on crime. They've released 2500 prisoners, they removed the very sensible 3 strikes law. This is a consequence of labour softness on crime. The gangs are even going on social media and ordering their members to vote labour.

What absolute rubbish!

Posted on 09-09-2022 08:42 | By Bruja

If this creep had raped one person you might say 'made a dreadful mistake' but to rape 5 people shows pre-meditation not some random act. I wonder if the same would have happened were one or more of the victims family members of those prosecuting. Yeah, right. Some wonder why all this 'youth crime' is happening, we know why, no consequences. Heinous!

Hollow Explanation

Posted on 09-09-2022 08:48 | By Mommatum

What kind of explanation is that and what “rehabilitative” measures? Sitting at home on his “tush”, allowed to continue his life undisturbed and worse no doubt the chance of coming into contact with his victims out in the community. This prosecutor should be ashamed of both herself and her profession. Her explanation is no more than hollow words to placate an angry, disbelieving public who have and it seems for good reason lost almost all faith in the courts. Yet another victory for rape culture at victims expense,

Wrong decision!

Posted on 09-09-2022 10:17 | By fair game

And even worse that his step mother said in public she is a lioness and for the girls involved to watch their backs for the next couple of years!!! Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

In his mind

Posted on 09-09-2022 10:24 | By treekiwi

will always be a feeling of it not being a big deal. Instead of a harsher custodial sentence, he gets a wet bus ticket home detention one, with no every day misery to remind him of the monumental horror of his actions in delivering a life sentence to these young women, his victims. I bet the judge wouldn't have felt such a pussy sentence was appropriate had it been one of his kids, grandkids, family friend of neighbour. Shame on him and those who think like him.

What a load of waffle.

Posted on 09-09-2022 10:25 | By Justin T.

They can sit rehabilitation programs while locked up. Our daughters and granddaughters will have a slight improvement in their situation by knowing their attacker is behind bars; that's a huge psychological help for the victims. The vitriol from the mother in defending her Cub was also a slap in the face for the victims. It's this sort of sentencing that will have us law abiding citizens becoming vigilante because quite frankly we have had enough,!

Another example....

Posted on 09-09-2022 10:51 | By The Professor

....of NZ being soft on crime. Like 'The Sage' says - I wonder what the outcome would have been if the Judge's daughter was raped!? These Judges must come from a different planet. If I was a Judge, I'd be dishing out the maximum sentences for each crime available to me every single time - no exceptions. With any luck, the comment made by 'Equality' will be accurate because the justice system has certainly failed to punish this disgusting excuse for a human!!


Posted on 09-09-2022 12:16 | By Kancho

The ambulance at the bottom of the cliff. He obviously has no regard for other people or women nor fears the consequences, like so many young today. I get that jail may well make him a lot worse, however the home detention is too short. They hint at further conditions that should be stated and ongoing supervision well beyond should be in place but suspect there isn't enough as exampled PD program is often a joke Seems the consequence of crime is low to keep our jail population lower a consequence of this government policies and repeal of the three strikes law. So now a program for ram raiders that again is touchy feely policies. Guess we have to expect car theft and ram raids and increased crime unless we can get rid ot the current government who talk lots spend lots but deliver little.

Good to see the Court explaining itself...

Posted on 09-09-2022 13:08 | By morepork

... even if we don't like the explanation. I have always supported rehabilitation over punishment, but in this case the attitude shown by the offender is going to be very hard to change and it warrants some (jail) time out, notwithstanding the culprit's age. He could get counselling and evaluation just as easily in jail as at home. The thing that was noticeable to me in the Crown Prosecutor's statement was that there is no mention of the girls affected. I seriously doubt that this sentence will cause any revision on the part of the culprit (hope I'm wrong...) and it does NOTHING for the victims. It is no wonder that the public are losing faith in the legal system.

all said an done the sentencing decision is wrong

Posted on 09-09-2022 16:10 | By Bill S

The Crown and judge have completely got this wrong. The TV coverage showed a defiant blameless arrogant young man who has not taken any responsibility for his actions. Unfortunatly

Crap, Absolute Crap

Posted on 09-09-2022 22:32 | By Yadick

Pollet isn't explaining anything. She's merely trying to justify her actions and that of the courts. This is ABSOLUTELY APPALLING. Will this offender be put on the sex offender register or will he be put on the couch with his play station having servants shop for his chocolate and potato chips. Why can he not embark on rehabilitative programs inside? As another commentor states, this wasn't a one off - this was five premeditated victims and only those that have come forward. How many more are there? Absolutely disgraceful, appalling, and non- justice. These poor woman are yet again victims but this time of the so-called Justice System. Absolute crap. Lock this guy up and serve the sentence he deserves. As others have already said - had one of these victims been the Judges or Pollets daughter . . .

@Bill S

Posted on 10-09-2022 13:10 | By morepork

I didn't see the TV coverage but you raise something that really bothers me about this case. Is there any remorse? Is the sentence LIKELY to change his mind and his behaviour? From what you said, it appears not. That means it is even more important that he serve time, and he can learn that arrogance does not make you popular with prison inmates. This whole episode has been a major failure of our justice system, no matter how well-intentioned.

World Status

Posted on 14-09-2022 15:29 | By Ceem

The Crown Prosecutor failed in her duty to the public, but more importantly to Meyer's five young victims and their parents. Yet another example of New Zealand's Third World judiciary.

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