Free tennis fun for everyone

The Love Tennis event is being held on Sunday September 11 in Otūmoetai and Pāpāmoa. Photo: Supplied.

Get down to your local tennis club this Sunday and give racket-swinging a go for ‘Love Tennis 2022.'

As a nationwide event, Love Tennis is a free open day where tennis clubs across New Zealand welcome anyone and everyone to try out tennis in their local community.

'Normal tennis club activities will be happening but anyone else who thinks they'd like to participate in tennis can come along, have a hit and talk to people who can help them with their decision or guide them,” says Otūmoetai Tennis Club president Vivian Jones.

Clubs will hold a mix of activities friendly to all ages including mini games, court play and professional coaching. Otūmoetai Tennis Club also invites people to test out their serve speed on the radar gun and enjoy a free barbecue, ice-cream and spot prize giveaways. Club coach Paul Bell, club captain Victor Hoonhut and helpers will be in attendance.

Otūmoetai Tennis Club life member Warwick Brew . Photo: Supplied.

Sharing the love

Over on the coast, Pāpāmoa Tennis Club presidents Gerald Greig says tennis is a sport for everyone.

'Love Tennis Weekend is the perfect time to find out more about what Papamoa Tennis Club can offer. Its heaps of fun, no experience is necessary and it's 100 per cent free!

'We want to share our love of the game with everybody.”

Gerald encourages anybody to get along – from people who have an interest, are thinking about returning to tennis or have experience and need a place to play.

He says tennis is a great way to easily keep your fitness up.

'You're so busy having fun with your family and your friends that you don't really realise that it's very good exercise for you as well.”

All equipment will be provided on the day, with professional coaching for all ages available. The club will have music playing, a free sausage sizzle, giveaways and attendees can enter a prize draw to win an amazing trip for two to the ASB Classic in Auckland.

'We pride ourselves on a friendly and relaxed vibe, reflecting the coastal community we live in,” says Gerald.

Held on Sunday, September 11, visit the Love Tennis website to find your nearest participating club and see what's on at:


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