Op Samson: Police take motorbikes for joyride

The motorbikes seized as part of the operation. Photo: NZ Police.

A dozen high-specification Harley Davidson motorcycles have been given a joyride on the back of a tow-truck, courtesy of police.

Sixteen other vehicles and more than $400,000 in cash were restrained following the termination of Operation Samson, which continues to investigate people and entities connected to the West Auckland Nomads Chapter of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club.

This significant seizure is in addition to Police restraining more than $2.4 million cash, seizing a firearm, methamphetamine and cannabis, as part of the initial termination in July 2022.

Police allege those involved have ties to a sophisticated money laundering operation across Tämaki Makaurau.

As a result of this investigation one person has been charged with significant drug dealing and importation offences.

They will appear before the court in due course.

The total value of property, assets, cash restrained thus far as a result of Operation Samson is in excess of six million dollars.

Northern Asset Recovery Unit Detective Senior Sergeant Eddie Evans says this is a continuation of the significant work police are undertaking, in conjunction with Operation Cobalt, to shed light on the activities of a trans-national organised crime group operating in New Zealand.

'Police are committed to holding those who accumulate assets and wealth through illegal means to account.

'This is a significant restraint of millions of dollars' worth of vehicles, property and cash which highlights the ongoing work by Police to disrupt and dismantle this type of damaging offending in our country.”

As the investigation remains ongoing, police cannot rule out further arrests and charges being laid in relation to this Operation.



Posted on 12-09-2022 12:02 | By dumbkof2

let the gangs buy them back then confiscate them again as they buy them illegally with drug money

$400,000 cash restrained

Posted on 12-09-2022 12:08 | By Jukay

We wondered, how the Police "restrained" the $400,000 in cash? Must be quite tricky to do with hand-cuffs or a dog leash.

The spoils

Posted on 13-09-2022 08:17 | By Equality

Where will all this money end up - and what happens to the proceeds of the expected sale of the motorbikes ? Which Government Dept. will profit?

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