Public holiday on Sep 26 to mark Queen‘s passing

Prime MInister Jacinda Ardern. Photo: File/SunLive.

New Zealand will mark the passing of Queen Elizabeth II with a State Memorial Service and one-off public holiday on Monday, September 26.

'As New Zealand's Queen and much loved Sovereign for over 70 years, it is appropriate that we mark her life of dedicated public service with a State Memorial Service and a one-off public holiday,” says Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.

'Queen Elizabeth II was an extraordinary person and I know many New Zealanders will appreciate the opportunity to both mark her death and celebrate her life.

'The State Memorial Service will be held in the Wellington Cathedral of St Paul on the same day, Monday, September 26, and will be televised and live streamed.

'I know many people will want the opportunity to pay their respects and the public holiday offers communities around the country the ability to come together and pay tribute at local events also.

'The decision to hold a one-off Public Holiday in the Queen's honour is also in line with similar holidays in the UK and Australia, and is in keeping with what is an historic event,” Jacinda Ardern said.

The Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has also confirmed she will represent New Zealand, alongside the Governor General, at the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II in London.

The Prime Minister will depart New Zealand on Wednesday, September 14.

Further details of the Prime Minister's travel will be released in the coming days.

  • All political parties were consulted on Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Day

  • Normal Public Holiday requirements under the Holiday's Act will apply

  • The Public Holiday will be called Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Day. Legislation will be passed next week to bring the holiday into force.

  • It will be a one-off holiday held on 26 September 2022 only

  • Further details of the State Memorial Service will be released at a later date
  • Following the Queen's funeral the Prime Minister will fly to New York for the United Nations General Assembly on the evening of Monday 19 September and resuming her programme for the week there, including co-hosting the Christchurch Call Summit alongside French President Emmanuel Macron and delivering New Zealand's national statement


Waste of money

Posted on 12-09-2022 15:48 | By fair game

As a smallish business owner, this is going to cost us $3000 in wages, not to mention about $10000 in lost sales. This was not in our budget for the year, and couldn't come at a worse time. Well there goes the staff Xmas party I guess, and any planned wage increases. Ridiculous.


Posted on 12-09-2022 16:40 | By Andrew64

Who pays for public holidays? Employers/business owners, not the government. We’ve already had an extra public holiday from Ardern and co and now there’s another one. Easy for them to say; costs nothing for them. Beggars belief there are still people out there that support this bunch of liars.

Kick business in the balls

Posted on 12-09-2022 16:44 | By an_alias

Yet another Labour kick in the balls for business. You pay for another holiday while we smile and wave


Posted on 12-09-2022 16:47 | By Kancho

Can be done without a holiday if you are in need of mourning. Workplaces are still struggling with staff shortages and costs and yet this government keeps loading on costs to business, child care, penal rates day in lieu etc all inflationary cost to employers to pass on . It's a nonsense. We ready have Matariki additional and extra annual leave and sick leave. Two months a year for most workers that nothing is produced. So we have one of the lowest productivity in the OECD is no surprise and yet the government borrows and spends . So more inflation , even buying a failed bank that will need billions more money to prop it up . Compared to Australia we are so far behind . Fine mourn the Queen's death but many won't give it much of a thought by then

Totally agree Andrew64...

Posted on 12-09-2022 16:53 | By fair game

we want to pay our staff more than the living wage, but can't afford to now. That was going to be our Xmas pressie to staff, but this day off has cost us at least $13K so not happening this year. None of them give a toss about the royals anyway which makes it worse. They'd rather have a wage increase. Hope all those who voted her in are happy....

Public holiday.

Posted on 13-09-2022 14:48 | By morepork

I read the posts and I feel sympathy for the businesses. Perhaps a public holiday IS a step too far. But when you balance that against 70 years of service and duty, there has to be SOME mark of respect and recognition. I'm not totally convinced that Xmas Party will be cancelled (and if it is, staff won't blame the Government...) and the commendable desire to pay above award wages will proceed if the will is REALLY there... On balance, I think the Holiday may be an overkill, but she deserves it.

I dunno...

Posted on 14-09-2022 22:24 | By This Guy

If a single day off is causing your business that much grief then maybe you need better management? and are the sales really "lost" if the people who were going to come in on Monday, come in on Tuesday instead? The victim complex here is astounding lol I'm not even a royalist but I agree with what morepork said "70 years of service and duty" deserves a mark of respect at least

@This Guy

Posted on 15-09-2022 13:48 | By morepork

Thanks for your support and I agree with your points as well. There is a good argument (presented by ACT leader, David Seymour) that the cost to small businesses will be around $450 million and as such, it is simply unfair to burden them with it when there is already a cost of living crisis. ACT's position is that we simply can't afford a holiday, even though we may want one. This points to the government providing relief to such businesses, in my opinion. They are pretty expert at wasting money so they should have no problem with this...

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