Tauranga MP Sam Uffindell to return to Parliament

Tauranga MP Sam Uffindell. Photo: RNZ.

The National Party caucus is reinstating Tauranga MP Sam Uffindell, following an independent investigation into "serious allegations" against him in August.

National leader Christopher Luxon says the investigation found that Uffindell "did not engage in the serious behaviour alleged in the media".

Uffindell was stood down from the caucus on August 9 after a woman made allegations about Mr Uffindell when they shared a student flat with four others in Otago in 2003.

Uffindell strongly denied the incident that his flatmate described.

Luxon spoke to media this afternoon after recieving the report on the results of the investigation.

Luxon speaking to media this afternoon following the investigation. Video: RNZ.

The National Party appointed King's Counsel Maria Dew to conduct an independent investigation into the woman's claim, which followed Mr Uffindell's admission of bullying at high school.

The investigation also provided a safe and confidential environment for anyone else to come forward with information or further allegations.

Fourteen people were interviewed during the investigation, and a number of written statements were provided.

Luxon says he and National Party President Sylvia Wood received Ms Dew's report late on Thursday night.

'On behalf of the Party, I want to thank Ms Dew for her diligent, professional and impartial work, and also thank all those who participated as complainants, witnesses and referees. Consistent with confidentiality undertakings given, the report will not be made public.”

'The investigation has found there are differing accounts of an incident that happened 20 years ago in the context of a student flat that was breaking up. Mr Uffindell has acknowledged that things were said that he now realises his flatmate overheard, which he regrets,” says Luxon.

'Mr Uffindell has also publicly acknowledged that he was a bully at King's College and that this behaviour harmed a number of people, for which he has apologised.

'With the known matters having now been independently considered, and with Mr Uffindell's own acknowledgement that he is a different person now to the person he once was, we are now able to move forward.

'Mr Uffindell is looking forward to working hard for the people of Tauranga. I am confident he can and will do that.”

- Additional reporting by RNZ.


Excellent News

Posted on 19-09-2022 14:40 | By Yadick

Proud to have you as ourTauranga MP Sam. Time to move forward. Onwards and upwards. Hello National, goodbye Labor.


Posted on 19-09-2022 15:00 | By Howbradseesit

He won't walk around Tauranga anymore like he did previously as the cat that got the cream. Some humility is endearing, Sam.

What a joke

Posted on 19-09-2022 15:48 | By mattbz

"We investigated ourselves/paid off someone, and found nothing wrong" "Oh and by the way, we're not telling you what our investigation found" Corrupt joke of a party. Unfortunately the majority of National voters would consider his history of assaulting small children a positive thing, and gladly continue voting for this scumbag.

'Suspicious timing'

Posted on 19-09-2022 15:50 | By mattbz

And oh look, we will try to bury this headline by releasing this information on the day of the Queen's funeral, not suspicious at all, no sir!


Posted on 19-09-2022 16:31 | By @###

As far as I'm concerned this man has lost all credibility as he was not honest and up front to begin with. How he conveniently forgets then now remembers things. It will be interesting to see how he behaves from now on. Credibility gone, respect gone, believability gone, integrity etc etc.


Posted on 19-09-2022 17:39 | By Slim Shady

Wow, great rant. And able to read the minds and comment on the morality of hundreds of thousands of people. Quite a talent. It’s unbalanced, ranting and politically biased people that make false allegations in the first place.

Trolls are out

Posted on 19-09-2022 18:07 | By Kancho

Of course leftie Labour supporters pile in on any fault regardless rather an rational thought or policies. Of course they are all perfect having a sinless life and unforgiving dogma still the tall poppy syndrome lives. I for one ex life long Labour supporter am pleased he will continue. I can not accept the current governments policies so certainly changing my vote to a competent candidate. We need this government gone.

A leopard doesn't change its spots!

Posted on 19-09-2022 19:54 | By Ben Dover

What a total disgrace that this man is going to be our MP with a background that he should be ashamed of and if he had any remorse/common decency, would have hung his head and walked away!

Time to move forward

Posted on 19-09-2022 20:01 | By Helo1

Absolutely over the moon, will be great to see some fresh young blood and ideas, well done Sam

He’s finished before he starts

Posted on 19-09-2022 20:25 | By waiknot

Regardless of the truth he is now a lame duck, and a liability for National. A couple of terms to get the pension and he will disappear.


Posted on 19-09-2022 20:27 | By Informed

Rich white guy gets a free pass. What a joke. He doesn’t represent me.

Disappointing but not surprising

Posted on 19-09-2022 21:12 | By The Sage

If the Nats had really wanted to gain some credibility they would have git rid of him. Not only did they not make the full results of the investigation unknown but they glossed it over. I will not vote for him in the future nor will many people I know. The university incident aside, the beating of a student with a bed leg is way beyond acceptable. 16 is more than old enough to know right from wrong. None of my friends did stuff like that at that age, many were married. This is B.S

Really mattbz?

Posted on 20-09-2022 07:06 | By Thats Nice

"National voters would consider his history of assaulting small children a positive thing". That statement is totally outrageous. No one would want that regardless of who you vote for, for goodness sake. How is hearing this news yesterday suspicious as it has nothing to do with the Queens' funeral?

shameless true colours exposed

Posted on 20-09-2022 08:55 | By 2up

Treating NZ public like fools, expecting us to believe he had to release this sanitized version of the report on the queens funeral because "we didn't want to drag it out" even though he had the report last Thursday. We can see right through you Luxon. straight out of the Trump play book.

@ @###

Posted on 20-09-2022 09:57 | By Yadick

Yeap you're right - he's human. Bet you're glad we don't have to lay bare our closets of years gone by.

The proof of the pudding...

Posted on 20-09-2022 15:21 | By morepork

...is in the eating. As someone who is completely neutral in this, I think the jury is still out. The only fair way is to not reach a conclusion at this stage. Let's see how Sam performs for Tauranga. The investigation provides enough conclusion that the most serious allegations, as made in the media, are not substantiated. That doesn't mean that Sam is exonerated, but it does mean he can be cleared to continue. The final results will be reflected in how he "serves the people of Tauranga" and whether he can reestablish his credibility as an MP. The degree of his success will be reflected in the coming General Election.


Posted on 21-09-2022 14:54 | By Merlin

Why was not the Senior MP's told about the results of this inquiry or the terms of reference. So it seems only about three people knew, the one doing the inquiry. The National party Leader the the party President. Why he wan't trust but not enough to tell those MP's in the party. Something not right here.

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