Luxon says no need to release Uffindell report

Tauranga MP Sam Uffindell has rejoined the National Party caucus after a review into his past behaviour. Photo: Robert Kitchin/Stuff.

National Party leader Christopher Luxon says the party and the public can trust his account of the investigation into Tauranga MP Sam Uffindell.

Luxon has a faced a day of questioning about why he won't release the terms of reference that shaped the investigation, led by lawyer Maria Dew, KC, into bullying allegations against Uffindell.

He has also refused to release an executive summary from Dew, even to his own caucus.

Luxon insists he has fairly communicated Dew's conclusions, and says: 'Everyone trusts Maria, and they trust me. They trust me to represent the findings”.

But Acting Prime Minister Grant Robertson says there's no reason not to release an executive summary.

'We did release an executive summary when Maria Dew did an inquiry for us, and I would expect that you as media and New Zealanders would want the same from Christopher Luxon.”

In 2019, the Labour Party commissioned Dew to investigate an alleged sexual assault by a staff member at a party camp. It released her eight-page summary.

National MPs met to discuss Uffindell's future with their caucus on Monday, but they were not given the report – or even its executive summary – discussing his conduct and allegations of bullying.

Nevertheless, the embattled MP's caucus colleagues defended Uffindell on Tuesday and said they had faith he was 'reformed”.

Bay of Plenty MP Todd Muller says Maria Dew's report has 'vindicated” Uffindell, but he says he hasn't seen her report or its executive summary.

Announcing the outcome of this investigation, National Party president Sylvia Wood says Dew has not 'substantiated” the claims from Uffindell's former flatmate.

The specific claim was that, while Uffindell was a student at the University of Otago in Dunedin, he banged on his flatmate's door while screaming obscenities at her. The former flatmate told RNZ he bullied her with insults such as 'Hit the road, fatty.”

Although Dew has not responded to questions about her investigation, Luxon says she's comfortable with the way his party is portraying it.

'All the statements that Sylvia, myself and Sam read out yesterday were actually all run through Maria Dew as well,” he says.

'They were a faithful representation, and she was comfortable we were communicating the findings of her report.”

A number of National MPs confirmed they did not receive Dew's executive summary on Monday and relied on the party leadership's reporting of what Dew had concluded.

Luxon says Dew found there was a 'fractious, deteriorating flatting relationship”.

But he says she concluded there was 'no ongoing bullying pattern” from Uffindell after he left King's College as a teenager.

Uffindell, on Monday, says her investigation found 'the incident did not occur as reported in the media”.

At King's College he attacked a younger student, joining with a group of 16-year-olds to assault a 13-year-old in the middle of the night.

The victim says they came into his dorm room and hit him with wooden bed legs. Uffindell acknowledged the attack, saying he was 'a thug”, and he told National about it before being selected as its Tauranga candidate.

Luxon says the terms of reference will not be released, but he outlined the 'objectives” of the investigation.

'One was to get clarity and conclusion around the events in Otago,” he says.

'Secondarily to make sure that, subsequent to King's College, there was no ongoing pattern of bullying behaviour.”

-Glenn McConnell/Stuff.


End of story

Posted on 21-09-2022 07:57 | By Yadick

Move on.

No moving on until

Posted on 21-09-2022 08:32 | By R. Bell

those of us who are expected to vote for these people are treated with the respect we demand. If there was no " ongoing pattern of bullying then his accuser is by definition lying, that is a serious accusation that only the release of the report can solve. Politicians are not above the law of common decency.

Uffindel is reformed?

Posted on 21-09-2022 08:59 | By The Sage

I very much doubt there. If there was nothing to hide why was the report not made public? Especially as the former flat mates are happy for it to be published with their names removed for privacy. This information alone has to tell you something. If Uffindel has any sense of decency he will not stand in the next election as, in doing so, National will most likely lose the safe seat it has had for so many years.

Cover up?

Posted on 21-09-2022 09:30 | By Ben Dover

This cover up stinks to high heaven! If there was nothing to hide, the report would have been published to everyone!

No smoke without a fire

Posted on 21-09-2022 09:32 | By AuntyMinnie

I will be very dubious of this person. I don’t believe this should be the end of the story!! Let’s see the report. If he has nothing to hide we should be able to read it. There is far too much leniency these days. Certainly won’t be voting for him. Honesty and consistency is paramount in this world.


Posted on 21-09-2022 09:52 | By Merlin

After calling for more transparency from the Government where is the transparency here. Not even the MP's know even of the summary of the report. Not a good look.

Tauranga deserves transparency and apology

Posted on 21-09-2022 11:09 | By SML

Luxon stated "issues of confidentiality" was his reason for not releasing the report - but the female flatmate (and her father who reported the "smashed up flat") are happy for the report to be released (with names reacted). If we're to believe Luxon and Uffindell over the woman and her father, surely Tauranga voters deserve to see the report - AND receive an apology from the selection panel who knew of the bullying? No transparency at all, sadly.

OK to continue, not exonerated.

Posted on 21-09-2022 12:00 | By morepork

The report was privately commissioned and, as such, there is no moral or legal requirement to release ANY of the findings. However, if the contents, or at least a Summary, are not released, then National must expect skepticism regarding it. The gist reported by Christopher Luxon does NOT exonerate Sam Uffindell; it just says the events were not as reported in the media and there is no history of bullying subsequent to King's College. The onus is now on Sam to prove that he is a good MP for Tauranga and voters will show what they think at the next election. Luxon wanted a "green light"; what he got was an amber one.

Nothing to hide.

Posted on 21-09-2022 12:09 | By morepork

It is completely wrong for people (several posts here...) to infer that there is something to hide, because a report is not released. There is NO obligation for the content of a privately commissioned report to be released. However, most of us will assume that if it had been "favourable" it would have been released. Not releasing, at least the Summary, is not helping National's case, neither does it inspire confidence for a transparent government. The fairest possible action, given the situation, is to allow Sam to "proceed with caution". For myself, I'll be voting ACT at the next election, unless Sam can show serious achievement in his service to Tauranga.

Honesty for voters please

Posted on 21-09-2022 12:34 | By Omni

People who have nothing to hide, hide nothing..... just saying


Posted on 21-09-2022 12:37 | By overit

Labour tried to crucify this man, and failed. I believe him to be a decent man.

@R. Bell

Posted on 21-09-2022 12:46 | By morepork

I agree with you on this, Robin. But I'm not sure it is quite as black and whilte as her "lying" if her accusation is "false". From her POV she ISN'T lying, and she did suffer bad effects. But, from his POV, he was simply angry and aggravated and it was not part of a "pattern of bullying". We cannot force release of the report, but failure to release it will cause people to draw their own (possibly wrong) conclusions. That's why I advocate "proceed with caution" here.

@ morepork + R. Bell

Posted on 21-09-2022 15:47 | By Yadick

Sensible comments morepork. Food for thought. R.Bell, good luck DEMANDING respect cause it will not be successful in any way.

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