Desert Rd homicide: third accused can now be named

Bao Chang Wang, known as Ricky Wang, went missing in 2017. His remains were later found buried off the Desert Rd. Supplied photo.

The third man charged with murdering a man found buried off the Desert Rd can now be named as Gaoxiang Yu.

Police were not aware Ricky Wang was even missing when the remains of his body were discovered in an unmarked shallow grave more than two years after he was last seen.

Yu was arrested and charged with Wang's murder in June 2022.

His lawyer told Justice Neil Campbell on Wednesday name suppression could now lapse.

Zhicheng Gu and Jianqi Zhao were earlier charged in May 2020 with Wang's murder.

Zhao admitted his part in the murder in August and will be sentenced later this year.

Court documents seen by Stuff allege Yu jointly offended with Gu and Zhao between August 19 and 20, 2017.

Gu and Yu will go to trial in trial in June 2023.

-Catrin Owen/Stuff.


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